so i got a free g3 powerbook... but it's broke (?)


Oct 22, 2003
so a friend of my dad's is a big mac guy and he tells my dad that he has a couple of old powerbooks that are broke, supposedly. so he sends them to my dad who in turn gives them to me. this is a black g3 powerbook, not sure which model exactly. i go to plug it into the wall and i hear what sounds to be some sort of mac sound and the screen is all black, then i hear 3 beeps which seem to sound like a siren. i'd like to put this mac to some use for my mom to use so any help or ideas are greatly appreciated, thanks.
ok so No RAM banks passed memory testing, i'm an all pc guy so i really don't know where to take it from here, and i'd like my last resort to be calling apple.
for the most part...I don't have access to my tools now but IIRC these take PC66 SODIMMS and are fairly standard items
3 beeps almost always deal with bad memory or not properly seated memory... or no memory detected.
Does the system have a bronze colored keyboard or black keys? Does it have USB or Firewire ports?

Don't forget when you open up the keyboard to take a look at the ram, to also check underneath the processor as well, as there's ram under that. I'd check seating first, then try taking out one chip at a time, and maybe swapping positions, such as putting the bottom chip in the top slot (with bottom slot empty..) etc.. make sure the processor is seated back down firmly as well.
Those G3s are pretty easy to get the RAM out of. Pull the keyboard up (two tabs on the sides) and then if their is the heatsink plate in the way pull that out as well.

Get a screwdriver (small one) and pry up on the side of the proc card that doesn't have tabs going into the heatsink cage dealy. If you need more detailed instructions, or sources of RAM or whatever, please lemme know!
my keyboard is black and i have a usb connects on it, tried reseating the memory and some part inside that i'm not sure exactly what they were, no avail.
I'd check the second ram slot, under the proc. board. I'm not exactly sure how to do it on your model, but on a G3 pismo, it was fairly easy.