So i beat Dead Space..on xbox360..


Limp Gawd
Dec 16, 2006
Picked it up for PC and loving the better PQ..but i was hoping someone else here has played and beat the game so i could steal a save game file and play on impossible/hard with the military suit.

Anyone out there beat the game yet on PC that could throw me a save file?

is this a scary game? because ill be honest. the flood level on halo 1 scared the poop outta me.
is this a scary game? because ill be honest. the flood level on halo 1 scared the poop outta me.

Don't play this game. You'll probably have a heart attack.. or so I'm told. I'll get around to playing it this week.
I dont think its especially scary. Theres not much mystery to it...big space ship taken over by aliens. FEAR is a scary f-ing game.
I dont think its especially scary. Theres not much mystery to it...big space ship taken over by aliens. FEAR is a scary f-ing game.

There's something about trying to kill mutants with shitty weapons that just scared the crap out of me.
There's something about trying to kill mutants with shitty weapons that just scared the crap out of me.

Its not bad...but theres just not enough surprises. Like in FEAR for example, youd be walking down a stair case and all the sudden some eerie music would play and a little girl would laugh as the light above you bounced around and flickered. Thats scary. Maybe if the mutants popped out quicker...but taking there sweet time to smash through a grate and crawl the time there out im already tearing them apart.

One thing thats pretty decent though is the game will distract you with two mutants in front...while 1 or two unknowingly sneak up behind you...and they usually kill me. So even then...the next time i know what to expect.
Wohoo! I just beat the game on medium (on PC). If you are still looking for that save file, I can send it your way. I dunno if that is all that you need to unlock the extras, but I have a 'completed game' save file I can send over.

Picked it up for PC and loving the better PQ..but i was hoping someone else here has played and beat the game so i could steal a save game file and play on impossible/hard with the military suit.

Anyone out there beat the game yet on PC that could throw me a save file?


Oh, and concerning the scaryness of the game, while it had its good moments. A bunch of the panic situations happened (for me) because the controls were sluggish. I dunno if it is like that on the 360 or not, but it felt like my character was moving underwater the whole time. And before you ask, v-sync was off, and I jacked the mouse sensitivity all the way up. It was quite a good game, and I would urge people not to write it off because of the controls, but don't expect to be able to move/aim much faster than a console controller would let you.