So how does one broach the PC or Console subject without the flame wars?


May 31, 2001
I am 36 years old and have been a PC gamer since the days of the Commodore VIC-20.

I LOVE PC games....and generally have not been a big fan of console systems.

However....I am currently looking at dropping another $350+ in a new graphics card and more memory just to get the PC to keep up with some of the latest games.

So I was wondering...with the modern graphics and such of the new consoles coming out...has anyone else considered just finally ditching the PC for gaming (damn, shoot me now) for an XBOX 360 or PS3?

Again...not trying to start a war...but I think this is an important discussion for gamers and am seriously interested in other hardcore gamers thoughts.

Thanks...and please keep this civil so it does not get locked.
i just see them as two different environments

my PC is for high resolution FPS mouse and KB gaming

my console is for 4 players on the couch with a case of beer gaming

neither can do the other
michealo said:
i just see them as two different environments

my PC is for high resolution FPS mouse and KB gaming

my console is for 4 players on the couch with a case of beer gaming

neither can do the other

That's a good point. For the record, I'm PC all the way- I can afford to do one or the other, and upgrading my PC is good for business (it's my work comp also). The above post is a good, solid way to look at it- it's like arguing about sodas vs. fruit drinks.
r0cketrider said:
I am 36 years old and have been a PC gamer since the days of the Commodore VIC-20.

I LOVE PC games....and generally have not been a big fan of console systems.

However....I am currently looking at dropping another $350+ in a new graphics card and more memory just to get the PC to keep up with some of the latest games.

So I was wondering...with the modern graphics and such of the new consoles coming out...has anyone else considered just finally ditching the PC for gaming (damn, shoot me now) for an XBOX 360 or PS3?

Again...not trying to start a war...but I think this is an important discussion for gamers and am seriously interested in other hardcore gamers thoughts.

Thanks...and please keep this civil so it does not get locked.

I don't like to compare it as a difference in specs, thats not whats important. Its the games and the controls. You simply do not get large BF2 style games with consoles and thats what I want. You also don't get any community mods. I also like to sit and work and surf the web and I just can't do that on a console.

However, if the PC gaming industry keeps releasing the craptacular and unoriginal titles they have been, I may switch.

Look at the games coming out in the near future: all sequels and all of them are pretty mediocre. Sure, there are gems like FEAR, but it is the excepion not the rule.
No not really I don't feel it's soda vs. Drinks because of this

Console Only have to upgrade every 4 years
One time cost $300
Games $20 - 50
Controllers one time $30 a peice (roughly)
TV always have a TV for years

Console fun to play standalone games.
Fun to play online (now with xbox live)

Every 6 months to a year you have to upgrade
Cost? $500 (roughly 6-12 mo's)
Benefits - Latest and greatest in graphics technology.
Playing online is more efficient because a kb and mouse and precise
Montiors are very HD and nice and clear
Play against people from all over the world
If you have it setup right you can watch TV while playing

PC's are more precise for gaming and you get the best of the best technology.
You will always see the latest and greatest games come out for PC first. The ones that utilize top of thel ine technology.

Final Summary The XBOX you get more bang for you buck and the comfort of sitting in your living room. They take advantage of the technology and squeeze every inch out of it. The PC is more precise for gaming and if your hardcore you'll take PC gaming over the console when playing competitively because you can always add more ram or up the framerates. Console gaming against console gamers is more fair though because they are all playing on the same hardware. Which in my mind if console gamers were just playing against console gamers it would be more competitive because there's not much you can change (or at least supposed to change)

That's my 2 cents. All are my opinions. I think i make very valid statements. Any other thoughts feel free to rip my statements apart i'm up for a good discussion. I think both are very good gaming platforms it just depends on what you want and how much money you are willing to spend.
The way you avoid the argument is to just accept that they (PC and consoles) are all great platforms. Graphics, horsepower and resolution are meaningless. It's all about the genres you prefer and the games available.

If you like FPS, RTS, Adventure games, RPG or MMORPG games then the PC is going to appeal to you more. If you like sport games, racing, combat, puzzle or platform games then you'll skew more towards the console. The next generation of consoles is not going to change any of the above.

If you're forced to choose only one platform to go with, choose the one that has the games that fit your preference.
I have your solution. I am an avid PC gamer, but also love consoles too.

I am putting off upgrading my PC until this time next year, because I am going to buy the 360 next month. I figure one investment of around $500 should keep my gaming habit alive and well for at least a year given the power of the 360 VS current high end PCs.

Given the price comparison, the 360 is a no brainer. It will be at least a year or so before the power of the PC comes close to touching the 360 in terms of money/performance.

Surely there is not much coming out on the PC in the next year that is not coming to the 360 that would make much of a difference. (other than maybe Surpreme Commander and Dark Messiah)

Save a little money AND end up upgrading within a year or so. It is a win-win situation.
michealo said:
i just see them as two different environments

my PC is for high resolution FPS mouse and KB gaming

my console is for 4 players on the couch with a case of beer gaming

neither can do the other

maybe last gen consoles, but xbox360 will be capable of a high resolution, and combine that with a mouse and keyboard designed for it from the get go.
Consoles are all about the games and not the hardware. If there is a game or a series of games you are really into playing, a console provides a quick experience.

PC's are more about hardware and hardware enthusiasts, we don't just buy the games to play them, we also like to upgrade and mess with the hardware in our computers to tweak those games and be more hands on.

If you are just into gaming, a console may be for you. But if you want to do more with that game, a PC may be for you. With a PC you do do more things with games, like mods, etc... there is a lot more flexibility.

And you have to keep in mind that some games only come out on certain platforms, so maybe the optimal scenerio is to have both a console system and a PC.
michealo said:
i just see them as two different environments

my PC is for high resolution FPS mouse and KB gaming

my console is for 4 players on the couch with a case of beer gaming

neither can do the other
Perfect description !!! Myself i am also a PC addict gamer,Unfortantly i cant go to Consoles im too stuck on pcs now and Consoles are just way too hard for me to learn , So i bought the keyboard and mouse adapter to fit my sons XBOX just so that i could try to play !!
michealo said:
i just see them as two different environments

my PC is for high resolution FPS mouse and KB gaming

my console is for 4 players on the couch with a case of beer gaming

neither can do the other

PC = LAN Party... :) Consoles, exactly that - four peeps playing SSBM having a good time.
Gaming is gaming, but it's all different. Even the "pc killer next gen" consoles will not have the same feel as PC games, they never will and that is good in the long run. Being an avid gamer (PC, Console, Cards, Board games, RPG...) I like variety.

Cool thing is you can pick up a GameCube, four controllers and a few games for not much more than $100 and that will give you hours of good times.
Thanks for the insights and thoughts and the civility.

I guess I was just trying to come to grips with the fact that the modern consoles will have graphics on par with my PC at least as it stands (plus it would be hooked to my 52" HDTV).

Also if the 360 will have things like Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, the latest SW:KOTOR game, and even support a keyboard and mouse...well damn, it IS a PC.

LOL..I have a very supporting wife, but it just seems like I am asking a lot to spend $400 bucks that I will have to spend again in a year or two....

Oh well...I guess it could be worse, at least I have the ability to upgrade if I wish.

Thanks everyone!
If you are like me, and willing to settle for reduced graphics instead of trying to run everything at the max possible, you could forego upgrading your comp for a couple years or more and still play the newest titles. My comp is about 2 years old now, and the only upgrading I did was about a month after I got it, boosting ram to 1g and getting a video card instead of relying on the P.O.S. built-in on-board junk from Intel.

Since then, if I've had any sort of a problem running a game at the max for graphics, I just turn it down and deal with less eye candy.

So overall, I'll stick with the PC myself. First, because Microshaft isn't going to get my money for yet another console - no matter how many people are raving about it - and 2nd, I prefer to play large multiplayer fps games, rts, and rpg games. Of those, only rpg's are at all decent on a console. *ponders restarting a new game of FF7 or 8 tonight*
michealo said:
i just see them as two different environments

my PC is for high resolution FPS mouse and KB gaming

my console is for 4 players on the couch with a case of beer gaming

neither can do the other
He's a winner...
PC and Console aren't subsitutes for each other.

I'm only a PC user, but that's just me. My friends don't mind the LAN principle, but my girlfriend she has a PS2, cause well, she doesn't quite buy the PC idea and I'm not going to argue, thad be stupid. So we sit down and play Dynasty Warriors from time to time an that's that. occationally she'll play WoW with me or upcomming Civ 4 has got her happy ;)

So yeah, different strokes for different... yeah.
PC has a big library. I never quite understood the theory that everyone always has to upgrade, whats wrong with the millions of games that have been out forever? The only problems with them is that we cant play them anymore? With the technology advancing so quickly you think that they would make consoles more backwards compatable or have the older games on them. How awesome would it be if nintendo came out with a system that could be loaded up with all the old games from NES,SNES, etc. I am damn sure I would buy one. And nintendo could atleast make some partial profit off of it.
IMO the only reason to game on a PC is because it is much easier to pirate games. If it could be done as easily on consoles, a lot of people would play exlusively on them.

Especially with the PS3 coming out the graphics will be just as good, the online system just as large as the PC online gaming community, and with peripherals like optional USB keyboards and mice, the eye-toy, something that copies the functionality of the Rev controller, etc, control options will equal those of PCs. With the add-on hard drive mods will be addable as well, all for a price much much less than that of a gaming PC. Personally, I think it's great, we are finally getting all of the benefits of PC and console gaming in one psuedo-hyrbrid unit (the PS3 is more than a console, less than a computer).

Any, computers can go back to what they are meant to do: work, graphics, multimedia tasks, internet stuff, number crunching, and consoles can do what they are meant to do: gaming, no reason both can't live in harmony doing what they do best.
Why not buy both? I own a gaming PC and every major console :D All the consoles together only cost $400, that's like one video card, and are good for several years.
Yeah...see one thing I do NOT do is ANY kind of online gaming...period.

When I do play I like playing solo games...and I rarely have friends over to multiple controllers/gamers on the console mean very little as well.

I guess I will just order the new ATI AIW card and be done wihth it! hahahaha
I like PC'ing for other things besides gaming. I do like to game, but do development and other things as well.
r0cketrider said:
When I do play I like playing solo games...and I rarely have friends over to multiple controllers/gamers on the console mean very little as well.

That is a shame, that is where consoles truly own. No MMORPG, online deathmatch, or any Comp. game can be as fun as getting three or four other friends around, and being able to joke around, bust on each other, chow down (due to an 'enhanced' state or not) and all together while playing Goldeneye, Burnout 3, Naruto, or whatever your favorite poison is.
wow... no flaming? doesnt seem right! hehe... :eek:

the way i look at it, there is much fun to be had with both! :cool:
RHollister said:
PC has a big library. I never quite understood the theory that everyone always has to upgrade, whats wrong with the millions of games that have been out forever? The only problems with them is that we cant play them anymore? With the technology advancing so quickly you think that they would make consoles more backwards compatable or have the older games on them. How awesome would it be if nintendo came out with a system that could be loaded up with all the old games from NES,SNES, etc. I am damn sure I would buy one. And nintendo could atleast make some partial profit off of it.

The Nintenodo Revolution is supposed to be backwards compatible with Game Cube and allow the downloading of NES, SNES, and N64 Games. That could be your console of choice.
If only consoles had the mouse/keyboard and custumizability of the computer... also PC gamers tend to be more mature than console gamers.

i think i might buy a xbox 360 when the price drops and the initial bugs get fixed. I had an xbox and decent PC at the same time i found i never played the xbox, only once did i drop xbox for PC for a long time and that was for Ninja Gaiden. Other than that it was BF1942 and DoD for hours on the PC. I have tried Halo 2 for xbox and i just cant get used to a controller and sit and play for hours... not the same.
Bo_Bice said:
maybe last gen consoles, but xbox360 will be capable of a high resolution, and combine that with a mouse and keyboard designed for it from the get go.

not 1600x1200

if lucky some type of INTERLACED picture at 1080i. which on a technical side has lower requirements than 720p does ;) 1080pnot for a very long time. Anyone know if the new consoles have RGBHV (Ooops sorry about that.. also known as VGA out) out?
figgie said:
not 1600x1200

if lucky some type of INTERLACED picture at 1080i. which on a technical side has lower requirements than 720p does ;) 1080pnot for a very long time. Anyone know if the new consoles have RGBHV (Ooops sorry about that.. also known as VGA out) out?

Not sure about the 360, but the PS3 has already been announced to support 1080p... 1080p displays are coming down in price too. Plus, in a game situation, with full screen AA built into the game engine and console hardware, 1080i on an HDTV looks just as good as 1600x1200 on a computer monitor. I'd rather play at 1080i on my 57" or 70" screens than play at 1600x1200 on a 20" monitor.
Jason711 said:
wow... no flaming? doesnt seem right! hehe... :eek:

the way i look at it, there is much fun to be had with both! :cool:

I think most people on this forum probably own both; it's not really an either/or proposition.
PC and Consoles are bleeding together and I look forward to the day when I can DM a friend while we each use our hardware of choice.

The big bonus for PC games is the game community. Especially when you consider mods. Pay the same price for a game but on PC I can download more content to extend the lifespan of the game. This is an area the console games lack.

I'm not completely sure but I think the consoles require a subscription to legally play their systems online. PC you only do the pay to play subscription, based on the game.

I hope the new xbox allows mouse/keyboard as a game controller. The controller works on a PC. I've heard rumor they will allow mouse/keyboard to type in xbox live. It is all there, they just need to make it happen. I also hope they make good wheels that are also console/pc compatible.
Sui said:
I'm not completely sure but I think the consoles require a subscription to legally play their systems online. PC you only do the pay to play subscription, based on the game.
Depends on the system. XBox Live is pretty much the only way to play online other than having others cart their box to your house. The PS2 varies and Nintendo seems to be going the open access path. The PC is only dependant on the game.
figgie said:
not 1600x1200

if lucky some type of INTERLACED picture at 1080i. which on a technical side has lower requirements than 720p does ;) 1080pnot for a very long time. Anyone know if the new consoles have RGBHV (Ooops sorry about that.. also known as VGA out) out?
Actually one of the listed Accessories at launch will be a VGA Cable from Microsoft! so yes you will be able to hook p your Xbox 360 to a Computer monitor! What resolutions it will support is yet unknown however!

My thoughts on Console versus PC is that they have differant type of games they each excell at. consoles are great for sports, fighting and platform games, where as I think the PC is alot more headed towards FPS and Role Playing. Yes there are games that cross the lines, I am talking in general here. you also got to look at how you play the 2 differant systems. I sit a a desk to play the PC, but on a couch or easy chair to play a Console. I dont really see how it is going to be easy to use a keyboard and mouse when I am sitting in my recliner. for me, I will try my best to keep my feet in both worlds, i will keep my console up to date and also my Computer, as I am sure that there will be good games for both for a long time to come.
I like video games of all types. Always have and always will. However I gave up on consoles simply because I have a hard time seeing things clearly on a television. I'm gettin' to be an old fart and certainly my eyes aren't what they used to be. Maybe I'm spoiled with pc graphics also, but I sometimes have hell of a time making stuff out on a TV screen. And this is on a 35" toshiba. Normally a pretty good picture for a standard crt television tube. I've used my xbox more for watching movies than I have for gaming.
I've had a lot of consoles in my days, all the way back to the original pong console. But my xbox will likely be my last. Sadly I'm dropping out of the console wars and will be sticking with my PC for all my gaming......unless I ever get an HD theater system. But with a bathroom and kitchen makeover coming up, that's not going to happen for a while.
i'm starting to consider buying the xbox2 some time next year... i've been a PC gamer for the longest time, but i'm starting to get pissed off with the constant upgrades, etc. required to play a game "the way it's meant to be played"

i mean... who cares if i buy quake 4, but it looks like quake3 on my pc b/c i have to run it at low res/low quality/no AA, etc.?

and gaming is the only reason why i'd upgrade my PC... i can browse the net, watch pr0n, program, etc. perfectly on my outdated system... the only reason i'd get a $600 SLI rig is to see all the cool reflections/effects in a new game!

i'm also sick of the PC game publisher mentality of releasing beta games and expecting the players to put up with crashes, etc. until they release a patch... that's just complete BS especially for a $55 game!

i really like the fact that I can sit down in front of my nearly 3 year old PS2, pop in the NEWEST game and play it w/out any graphics problems or patches necessary, etc. When is the last time i was able to do that on my PC?

HOWEVER... i've recently started noticing a worrying trend in some consoles... some games on the XBOX suffer from low framerates when a lot of things are happening on screen.... this needs to be stopped immediatelly... no one should write a game for a console expecting better performance than a console can deliver...
I play Tekken 2 on my ps, and when i am really poor and my comp is outdatted. and when there is mixed company (non-nerds.) but otherwise, im pc's all the way!!!!!!!!!!
NulloModo said:
Not sure about the 360, but the PS3 has already been announced to support 1080p... 1080p displays are coming down in price too. Plus, in a game situation, with full screen AA built into the game engine and console hardware, 1080i on an HDTV looks just as good as 1600x1200 on a computer monitor. I'd rather play at 1080i on my 57" or 70" screens than play at 1600x1200 on a 20" monitor.

coming down in price?

Not Sony Qualia

and those are the only two i know of the top of my head that support 1080p. And their price starts at 19,000 for the JVC. 29,000 for the Sony. So how is that coming down in price??
I will be hooking my 360 directly into my Dell 2405 FPW, which can handle anything the 360, or eventually the PS3, can throw at it.
figgie said:
coming down in price?

Not Sony Qualia

and those are the only two i know of the top of my head that support 1080p. And their price starts at 19,000 for the JVC. 29,000 for the Sony. So how is that coming down in price??

You can get a Sony Qualia 1080p RP set for $10,000 right now (*drool* need to save more for grad school, should jump up and buy one right now...)

You can buy a 37" Wesinghouse or Sceptre direct view LCD for under $2,000, or a 56" Samsung DLP RP 56" set, both 1080p as well.

It is coming down. Give it a couple more years and every tv on the market will be HD just like every DVD player even down to the damn no good cheap ass $30 units are prog scan now. 1080p everwhere (or higher resolutions upconverted) will not be far behind.
Being a multiplatform gamer is easy... I play the good games on both sides of the fence...a lot of you should try it :p

That said, I wonder what is going to be more enticing for PC gamers. The XBox360 (which Microsoft will likely release a PC-type version of it next year) with its Media Centre stuff and MP3 players and such (by the way, the keyboard and mouse for the X360 will NOT be playable in games)... or the Nintendo Revolution, with it's mouse-like control? I don't mind gamepads at all, but when it comes to FPS games, nothing is more accurate than a mouse. Or a Nintendo Revolution controller.
I like PC gaming control-wise...the mouse and keyboard setup is obviously much better than with an analog, I prefer console gaming over PC gaming, and I am very excited that the next gen consoles have USB ports for things like mice and keyboards...THANK GOD! Now I will be totally I really cant wait for Halo 3! :D
No TV out right now supports 1080p inputs It is a waste to buy a 1080p set right now. They have a native resolution(upscales the image) of that but if it can't accept the signal why even bother? Go to and you'll get a better explanation.

HP is coming out with the first 1080p input TV but seeing as it is a DLP there will be some lag.
You can plug in a keyboard but this is for text input only - including in massively-multiplayer games. You can't use it to play games and that was a design choice.

lesman, Microsoft has said that the system will support a keyboard and mouse for text entry, chatting, and web-navigating, but that you won't be able to use it for gaming.

Here's one of the many petitions to allow it for in-game use as well, if you'd like to sign ;)