so...guild wars?


Mar 16, 2002
anyone still play? i play very recreationally, add "teh bandito" to your friends list if you wanna party and quest sometime.
i found it to be boring by the second or thrid day of playing it. The quests are dumb cause all you do is follow an arrow. you don't have to think about what's going on so you're just level grinding the whole time. I'm in a 10-day trial for WoW and i'm liking it a lot more. I've played EQ2 as well and it's pretty fun.

I was playing for about 3 months every day and then I stopped....just to start back up again this week :)

It's a lot fun. I'm more into PVP now though after beating it 3 times.

game is perfect for you if you are recreational because there is no monthly fees.

Unlike the last poster, I found WoW boring in the first 3 days because you're just leveling up "grinding" No story either. Why don't I just play the game of "life" then.
I like WoW and guild wars, i have them both. I stopped playing WoW after i got to lvl 39, and a few other chars in the 20's. It was the same things over and over and over, plus it got to the point where people were playing it like it was D2, just doing the same runs over and over. If it was your first time going through an instance, those players just took the fun out of the quest. They give you no time to just see how cool some of the areas look and big battles don't seem nearly as exciting if you have half of the group that's fought him 2000 times already.

I still play d2 :p but that's just a different story.

GW on the other hand, i think that the quests are even more boring for the most part. But i love how the big important quests have cinematics and the artwork in some areas is just awesome. GW is really fun to just pick up and play once a month and do some big 3 hour mission.
kind of wish blizzard had added a few cinematics to wow... the opening cinematic is just amazing, and blizzard has always reigned supreme in that area. maybe in the expansion....
I played GW for a little bit, but I got bored on the last mission. I should really go back and beat it...
i bought it a while back payed and played and turned it off, i was shocked at how bad it was, my friend checked one of these quest sites and lvled his char there and then to lvl 20 with in an hour wtf is up with that?!

i am gutted that i payed £30 for it... it actually shocks me that i payed for it.
LunchboX3904 said:
i found it to be boring by the second or thrid day of playing it. The quests are dumb cause all you do is follow an arrow. you don't have to think about what's going on so you're just level grinding the whole time. I'm in a 10-day trial for WoW and i'm liking it a lot more. I've played EQ2 as well and it's pretty fun.

Everything is more senseless grinding than Guild Wars. STWG, the EQ games. The quests? What thinking gets done in those? The quests I've played for other games besides Guild Wars were all practically the same thing.

I am not going to argue about Guild Wars getting repetative. I think all MMORPG's are to a degree. Guild Wars however is the only one that I've played more than a few times. I've found all the other ones to suck much ass.

Netrat33 said:
I was playing for about 3 months every day and then I stopped....just to start back up again this week :)

It's a lot fun. I'm more into PVP now though after beating it 3 times.

game is perfect for you if you are recreational because there is no monthly fees.

Unlike the last poster, I found WoW boring in the first 3 days because you're just leveling up "grinding" No story either. Why don't I just play the game of "life" then.

I agree completely. No story, like most other MMO's and about as much fun to play as administrating a Windows 2003 server.
Kebra said:
i bought it a while back payed and played and turned it off, i was shocked at how bad it was, my friend checked one of these quest sites and lvled his char there and then to lvl 20 with in an hour wtf is up with that?!

i am gutted that i payed £30 for it... it actually shocks me that i payed for it.

Somehow I doubt anyone has leveled up to 20 in an hour. Even with an experienced runner taking you through the missions, it still takes far longer than that. Most guilds that powerlevel people up to 20 can do it in 20 hours or so.
Kebra said:
i bought it a while back payed and played and turned it off, i was shocked at how bad it was, my friend checked one of these quest sites and lvled his char there and then to lvl 20 with in an hour wtf is up with that?!

i am gutted that i payed £30 for it... it actually shocks me that i payed for it.

Just as an FYI your sig is over 10 lines. The mods hate that.
Guild wars isn't just about hitting "level 20", it's about a) experiencing the content and b) getting spells. Sure you can hit level 20 fairly quickly, but youre going to have far less options than other level 20s who wen through the content and got strategic options.

Oh and world of warcraft does have a story. Albeit, it's a limited one but by the end game content youre really getting pretty deep into it. It's more a bunch of individual stories and their loyalties to the major players that I find interesting though.
Sir-Fragalot said:
The quests? What thinking gets done in those? The quests

"Quest" is just a MMO word for "work" or "job". They don't call it work or job because then people would realize that they are paying money to have to WORK....but I don't worry because the brain will figure it out on its own.

example - My character dies in EQ1 after camping some item for a few hours and I hear myself say, "Shit! After ALL that work!" When I heard myself say work, I immiediately quit the game.
Ok so for a noob to the MMORPG games which would be better...Guild Wars or WoW? I am lookin to get back into the RPGish genre but I know I am in for an eye opener. I loved games such as Diablo II and Neverwinter Nights does that mean these games are gonna be over load for me? Also heard that Guild Wars supports dual monitors...what about tri monitors?
Its hard to say. WoW was my first Online RPG, Guild wars my second. Im currently only playing guild wars, and I must say they are both great games. Overall though, I put more time into WoW, and its the only game I can honestly say I was completely addicted to for a while. Id say you'd be happy with either one, but Id probably recommend WoW for getting back into the RPG genre.
EverNerf II no way.

WoW only tried it on a friends and it was fun for the short time I tried it.

GW is becoming a nerf fest.
And starting in a day or two its going to get a LOT worse.

that only leaves WoW and I hate Buzzard

Guild wars is still the best game for just loggin in and play for a couple hours and forget about it. As an added benefit, it doesn't cost monthly.

All the other mmos around require you to continuously put time into it to stay competetive. Even if you don't want to stay competitive, you are pressed to play it as much as possible since you don't want to waste your monthly fee. This is where GW shines: No monthly fee, no pressure to get most out of your money.
To me, paying a monthly subscription is bullshit. Especially when they make you buy expansions just to get the newer content. That's crap. Either I pay $50 for a game and that's the end of it, or the game should be free, and then you pay a monthly fee that covers your expansions.

What really bothers me about the monthly pay MMO's is the stories for the games are LAME and frankly putting up with some of the jackasses online makes me want to stab myself in the head with a grapefruit spoon. Yet, people tolerate it longer than they should because they feel "obligated" to play it to get their money's worth. All MMO's are the same endless grind. Guild Wars is the only one that doesn't "feel" quite like that. Plus in Guild Wars I get to ignore other players because I dont' need them for anything. It plays like a single player game, but I can add human beings to it if I choose to speak to them.
I play nightly and am in a guld from Tech Report. I have 2 fully skilled characters and am working on more.

Mesmer/Monk: Jelena Soulcrusher
Ranger/Elemental: Yendor Notact

Add me to your friends to party up for UW, SF or to explore.

I am wanting to buy all you quitters copy of the game for cheap regardless if you have uber leveled character or not.

COntact me in my heat link below or by PM.