So a friend is selling his laptop...


Sep 2, 2005
He's selling a Compaq and EeePC for $300 each.

I'm interested in the compaq since I badly need a laptop for school.

specs are:

Compaq (~14" wide)

2.0 GHz 64-bit AMD processor
60Gb hd
1Gb ram
128mb ATI Graphics Card
mem card reader

EeePC (~8 inches wide)

900 MHz intel celeron m processor
4Gb solid state/8Gb sd card
1Gb ram
Intel gma integrated graphics card

so.... whaddya think? good deal?

edit: he bought the laptops ~3 years ago
The <10" EeePCs are really small, and a bitch to type on for school if you have med-large hands. Make sure you try it out before buying, if you choose it.

Which model Compaq? It seems a bit overpriced.
I'd go for the Compaq just because it has a normal size keyboard for typing and a large hdd.
He let me try out the Eee pc and yea, its pretty small (I have gorilla-hands...). He'll bring the compaq sometime next week so I'll know the model then..
alright so i tried out the compaq, (its a v2000). IMO i think 300 is a decent deal, but Im just looking for a second opion here. (heres my situation: im low on mula, and need a laptop; and $300 for a decent (at least i think) laptop that will carry me until my next big purchase is a-ok in my book. what do you think?

EDIT: also, the Eee pc is 275 now, but I not really interested in that...