SNES game suggestions?

twyztyr said:
I don't remember a Dragon Warrior game on SNES. Was there one?
Your right did a quick search and found it for the NES.
Wasnt really paying attention to some of the posts, but if you arent aware, some of the snes games can run you $100-$200 because they're so rare.. Although that made be CND, its still a heck of a lot. Earthbound/Final Fantasy 3/Zelda: A Link To The Past, and some others are in that price range, happily, I own all of'em :D I just dont want to sell them because with my luck as soon as I do, people will pay more.
Staples said:
UN Squadron. It doesn't seem to be a game that is remembered but I always thought it was just great.
That was one damn hard game, never got past the 5th or so level, no matter how hard I tried. Another great game was Super R-Type
Zallek said:
Wasnt really paying attention to some of the posts, but if you arent aware, some of the snes games can run you $100-$200 because they're so rare.. Although that made be CND, its still a heck of a lot. Earthbound/Final Fantasy 3/Zelda: A Link To The Past, and some others are in that price range, happily, I own all of'em :D I just dont want to sell them because with my luck as soon as I do, people will pay more.

Buh? I got my copy of Zelda for $15 shipped with manual about a year and a half ago. I routinely find FF2, 3, Chrono Trigger, and Secret of Mana in stores around here for $30. Maybe I should start buying them and selling them on eBay...
SNES that takes me back .... back when games had a story instead of just dark coriders and great graphics.

You must buy

Final Fantasy 3
Secret of Mana
(and the game where you have the bazooka and shoot things on screen, big mechs) I always liked that one

in Russia you dont play games .... the games play you
Here's some great, albeit obscure, ones:

*Ninja Warriors (arcade)
*Run Saber (arcade)
*Sky Blazer (action adventure)
*Ardy Lightfoot (platformer)
*goes and hugs my Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Chrono Trigger, FF2, and FF3 cartridges*

Yeah. I like Squaresoft, I guess. :eek:
Super Metroid.
As far as RPG's go, the Final Fantasy series is a must, but I was always partial to 7th Saga. You can play as 7 different characters and, although the goal is the same any way, there are numerable possible ways to get there (who you play as, who you team up with, etc.)
But that's just me.

Its the best of the best kart series ever. My social circle of stoner-gamegods played SMK on SNES for years, almost exclusively toad vs koopatroopa battlemode track4. We played it everytime we got together from 92 till we all had kids and jobs around say 99-00' and i still jones for it sometimes.

Speaking of SMK , does anybody know were to get a pair of brand new condition SNES controllers, nintendo brand? I need some.

I like mariokart DD for gamecube, its great but i don't get to play it with my old freinds like i used to , mainly because of work and family stuff.
Oh man.

Super Mario Kart!
Super Punchout!! (one of the most satisfying games ever, with replay value that is unparalleled)
Shadowrun (best rpg that most people haven't heard of)
Top Gear 3000 (great racing game)
Yoshi's Island (such an underrated side scroller)
does anyone remember the game EVO?

You start out as this wee fish and you have to get experience points and you evolve, and eventually you become a dinosaur and then a mammal and all that.

It's quite an obscure game, but it's bloody good times.
Definately a must:

Rock N' Roll Racing
Legend of Mystical Ninja
Simpsons Bart's Nightmare
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Harvest Moon
Pocky & Rocky 1 & 2
Joe and Mac 1 & 2
Breath of Fire 1 & 2
E.V.O Search For Eden
Super Punch Out
Goof Troop
Lost Vikings
Super Bomberman

Eidolon said:
Okay, my brother gave me his SNES a few weeks ago (Apparently he doesn't play with it much anymore). He also gave me the following games:
-Super Mario Allstars
-Mario World 2
-Tetris 2
-Batman Returns
-Super Star Wars
-Chrono Trigger
-Donkey Kong Country 2

Anyone have some suggestions for other games that I might want to buy? :D

Please keep in mind that I'm not much of an old skool gamer. I'm used to playing games on my Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox, Gamecube, GBA, and PC.

Tetris Attack
saturnine2 said:
That was one damn hard game, never got past the 5th or so level, no matter how hard I tried. Another great game was Super R-Type
I got to the last level many times with a total kick ass airplane, totally loaded, I could NEVER BEAT IT...EVER!
You must get Breath of Fire 1&2 those are like the best games for SNES.
Also super mario RPG and Harvest moon are fun.
There was a cool shooter named Axelay which had some trippy graphics. Also: Soulblazer, Actraiser I and II. I'm still hooked on NHL94 as well. All those great players from that era.

Just buy a gamepad for your PC and download ZSNES ;)
I'm not sure how popular the game was in the U.S. but when I was stationed in Korea, a bunch of us would play Pilot Wings. Now the disclaimer to this is, when we first started playing it we would get pretty drunk and see who could still fly. My personal favorite was the parachute level. Ahhhh the memories................
you should check out civilization for snes.
nothing like beating down some frenchmen with the chinese
Uncle Toxie said:
I'm not sure how popular the game was in the U.S. but when I was stationed in Korea, a bunch of us would play Pilot Wings. Now the disclaimer to this is, when we first started playing it we would get pretty drunk and see who could still fly. My personal favorite was the parachute level. Ahhhh the memories................

Yes yes it was popular in the states its my dads favorite game to this day :D