SMS/Email alert on PC reset?


Jul 5, 2005
Does anyone have a good option for an alert to be sent when a Windows 7 PC has reset?

I am working with a customer who has custom software that is monitoring custom heavy equipment. The PC logs data to prove compliance. Currently the software will not auto execute internal commands needed to start logging. The software manufacture is working to fix this by Q2 but in the mean time we have remote desktop running and if we can get an alert on PC reset we can remote in and reset the app.

Schedule a task, maybe blat.exe can be of help.
Schedule it to run like 3 minutes after the PC starts
SNMP trap is another option to explore if they have a SNMP monitoring solution in place plus you can leverage the existing alerting mechanism.
I had to do something similar. You can create a task in task scheduler to run a batch file to drop a txt file in the SMTP pickup folder when it sees an event (computer restart). All you need is an SMTP server and a user account that has write privileges to the SMTP folder. It's dirty, and I wouldn't trust it as a long term fix, but it would work for the mean time.

If you need more info, shoot me a PM.