Smoothwall troubles


Nov 22, 2003
I'm installing smoothwall on a nokia ip330 following this guide:;prev_next=prev
I was only able to configure a green network because the swap system only had one nic and smoothwall bitched when i set it to green+red during setup.

23) is where I run into trouble. I connect a patch cable (straight through) to the green nic and my laptop. No lights on either and a cable unplugged error for the laptop. I figured it needed a crossover cable or a switch inbetween so i try ip330 > switch > Laptop and everything seems to work except that the laptop bitches about limited connectivity and I can't connect via the web interface to the ip330. Tried reinstalling a few times to no avail. Anyone have any suggestions? (I need to dig around for a serial cable) Incase you didn't guess this is my first smoothwall adventure.
Double checked dhcp config, seems correct. Maybe I'll screw around with it more tonight.