SMB shares from Ubuntu in Win7


Aug 29, 2010
Hey guys, just a heads up, I'm a total noob when it comes to linux. I apologize in advance for my ignorance. I did check out the networking FAQ quickly, but couldn't find a specific answer to my question. I looked at a few links and the answers go really in depth, so maybe I missed something. Feel free to send me back there if I just missed the answer.

Basically, I have my old computer set up with an IDE controller card and all my old hard drives in it. I want to use it for network storage and have all the old drives available over the network for file storage / backup. I've set up a samba share in ubuntu, and my Windows 7 computer can see it (I was actually surprised how FAST it was, which was great). However, it can only see the shares... it denies me permission to actually enter the folders and read/write to any directories or files within.

Do I need to go in and manually set the permissions on each directory in my drive shares? Am I missing something that is really blatantly obvious, or is there something deeper going wrong here? Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks.
chmod -R / chown -R

is your friend.


In your SMB.conf file you might have to make the share writeable.. Let me dig into my samba box at home and find what I'm talking about
        comment = ISO Images
        path = /mnt/iscsi/ISOs
        browseable = yes
        admin users = @"DOMAIN+Domain Users"
        writeable = yes

        comment = Public Folder
        path = /mnt/iscsi/Public
        browseable = yes
        valid users = @"DOMAIN+Domain Users"
        writeable = yes

Here is part of my linux file server at home. I would ignore the admin users / valid users part as this box was setup to Authenticate against AD in my lab.
In unix, you need the +x attribute for a directory set for the effective userid (or groupid) to browse a directory.