smallest 1080p LCD tv


Oct 3, 2005
yeah looking for the smallest 1080p capable LCD. This will primary be used to watch TV using reg SD tv but i also wanna hook it up to my PC via dvi. In the future i may get OTA free hd channels and torrent HD shows. I wanna keep it somewhat small for bedroom use and will be placed on furniture(i.e not wall or dedicated stand)
You could pick up a Dell 2407 @ 24"--but it has no integrated tv tuner. Get an external tv tuner (make sure it has VGA out--i.e., NOT a USB tv tuner) and you're set.
hmm seems kinda steep for only 24in and no tuner. I know its a pc monitor first, tv second but still. Arent those like 800 something plus tax?(in ca) when they are on sale? I dunno something like a 2007 for pc gaming and a 27 or 32 samsung/westy for ~1200 would be a better deal for what i want to do right?
we got a 42" downstairs and that thing is freaking huge. Were we gonna go 50" but the 42 cant even fit into the little alcove the house has. I think i really want a 27-32" with a tuner and 1080p. Any of those around pref glossy? ill always be inside a 5ft radius when im watching it.
37 inch is the smallest TV you are going to find that supports 1080P

Only other units are 24, 26, 30 but these are monitors and therefore much more expensinve for a a number of reasons.
Personally I would rather get a monitor with no tuner so I could get my own tuner with features I want and easily upgrade later. Hell...I even got the commercial model of the Panasonic plasma and saved a few bucks because I already had a digital tuner from the cable company.
bah ok i guess im outta luck. See the reasoning behind getting a med sized lcd tv is so i can sit back a little and enjoy HTPC media stuff. Then have a smaller monitor for games since i dont have the gpu horsepower for lets say... a dell 30in. I guess even if i had money for one quad sli right now, 1-2 yrs id still have the monitor but no gpu power to play the lastest games. No way imma spend 900+ on gpus every year to keep up with the monitor.
samsung has a 32" 1080p lcd tv i believe, but it costs the same as the 37 westy, so...
strikeout said:
bah ok i guess im outta luck. See the reasoning behind getting a med sized lcd tv is so i can sit back a little and enjoy HTPC media stuff. Then have a smaller monitor for games since i dont have the gpu horsepower for lets say... a dell 30in. I guess even if i had money for one quad sli right now, 1-2 yrs id still have the monitor but no gpu power to play the lastest games. No way imma spend 900+ on gpus every year to keep up with the monitor.

I had the same ideas bouncing around my head all summer. I was looking at all the 24" monitors and whatnot, but I realized that I'd rather be able to use both my computer and TV at the same time. I got a 2007WFP for the computer and a 26" LCD TV.

I'd been hooked on the idea of 1080p for awhile, but I'm glad I got what I got. I was able to get both for slightly more than I was going to pay for a 24" monitor, and I can actually do 2 things at once. There's not a ton of 1080p content out there yet, so I figure this can be a good starter TV. If/when Blu-ray/HD-DVD take over down the road, I'll pick up a 1080p TV for probably the same price or cheaper than what I paid for a 720p set now.
Choad Namath said:
I had the same ideas bouncing around my head all summer. I was looking at all the 24" monitors and whatnot, but I realized that I'd rather be able to use both my computer and TV at the same time. I got a 2007WFP for the computer and a 26" LCD TV.

I'd been hooked on the idea of 1080p for awhile, but I'm glad I got what I got. I was able to get both for slightly more than I was going to pay for a 24" monitor, and I can actually do 2 things at once. There's not a ton of 1080p content out there yet, so I figure this can be a good starter TV. If/when Blu-ray/HD-DVD take over down the road, I'll pick up a 1080p TV for probably the same price or cheaper than what I paid for a 720p set now.

what 26" lcd did you get? im in a similar situation...
thenixhex311 said:
what 26" lcd did you get? im in a similar situation...

I got a JVC on clearance at CompUSA for $525. I guess I was more concerned with getting a good deal than getting the best TV out there, but it's pretty good. At this point, anything was better than my ancient 19".
strikeout said:
yeah looking for the smallest 1080p capable LCD. This will primary be used to watch TV using reg SD tv but i also wanna hook it up to my PC via dvi. In the future i may get OTA free hd channels and torrent HD shows. I wanna keep it somewhat small for bedroom use and will be placed on furniture(i.e not wall or dedicated stand)

1080P isnt exaclty cheap to begin with. Its still very brand new, on top of buying a screen that is smaller, which actually costs more. Companies sell 1080P for larger tv's, so to find a smaller one, it would be more expensive (size wise). An example, would be a 42 inch West 1080P @ lets say 1400 bucks. A 21 inch West @ 1080P would not be 700 bucks, but rather 1100 or more.

In other words, your handicapping yourself right out of the gate. Your best bet, is go with a computer monitor, like a Dell 24 incher, and whatever it dosnt have, so be it.

I still have not seen a 32 inch 1080P tv monitor, yet. I have seen 37 inch, Westy, and 40 inches, but no 32 inch. (computer monitors are different, then a 1080P based product)
well im in a tight spot right now cus

a) game heavily and compete in CAL bf2
b)dont have a next gen card, only a 68gt
c)can only spend $400 bucks cash tops however im open to all them no payment/interest deals till 08 floating around.

see if i got a 24 dell it would only be 24inches. Too taxing for my gpu for games and too small of a TV. Too much of a jack that it sucks. Right now imma give up on 1080p. I'll prolly try to find a good deal on a 2007 where gaming can be achived with good results even on 78 series, which are dirt cheap used. Then ill prolly get something like a 27" inch westy with hdmi and dvi on a deferment deal. That way i can do both things really well with minimal upfront costs.
Uhh, foodfightr, why are you replying to a thread that's over a year old? I imgaine the OP has completely forgotten this thread :p

Shit man, I just noticed your post. :eek:
OH well how times have changed.

BTW I did find a 1080p display that's only 7" in size too. :D
t240hd from samsung
come with a hd tv tuner and have a 1:1 pixel mapping so 16:9 is not a problem
cheap enough however this is a tn panel