Slow shutdown and restart in Vista


Limp Gawd
Dec 24, 2006

I'm posting this on behalf of someone who's having this problem in Vista. Here's what they said:

Hey guys.

I've got Vista Ultimate installed on my pc, it works okay, not much problems.

The one anoying problem I have is that my shutdown takes forever, really. Restarts are the same.

It shows the screen, "shutting down", then after about 20 seconds my screen goes black, but there is still activity on the harddrive. The harddrive led blinks and I hear it working for about 30 seconds to a full minute, then it restarts.

If I am in Safe-mode and restart, it goes instantly. So this has to be some kind of software or something that's blocking it.

Did any of you experience anything similar to this? Got any ideas. I doubt it's a hardware issue, so I won't post the specs.

Btw. looking at the startup entries, I've only got the most basic software starting up, nothing resource intensive. This happens from the beginning with a clean installation as well, so it must be a Windows service or driver

Can anyone here offer some advice on the possible causes and a fix maybe? :p
One of the easiest (and possible most time consuming) methods to solve this problem is to manually shut down one software application at a time, and then shut down, to see if one of those is causing the issue. Write down a list of the apps you have runnnig in the background, and then manually disable the first one on the list. Then reboot and see if it's fast. If not, cross it off, log back into Vista, and try the second one, etc.