Slow receive speeds LAN xfer


Jan 22, 2007
Hello all,
Wasn't sure if I should drop this in here or under operating systems so if a mod would move it for me if I put it in the wrong place that would be great.

I'm running Vista Ultimate x64 SP1 on my desktop and Windows 2008 Standard x64 on my storage server.
Copying from my desktop to the storage server I can hit about 500mbit or so transfer speed however when copying from the server to my desktop it is capped at about 70mbit.
In order to determine if it was the server or my computer I tried transfers to a 3rd computer running XP and was able to hit about 200mbit in either direction (from the server/to the server)
I know the issue isn't disk related as I can copy from disk to disk on my computer at well over 150MB/s.
I've already tried uninstalling remote differential comparison(is that right?) and auto tuning level is disabled.
I'm using an Intel PRO1000/PT server adapter in both the Vista and Server 2008 machine.

If anyone has any advice for increasing the transfer speed to my Vista machine it would be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance.

Edit: And they (all 3 machines) are connected through a HP ProCurve 2810-24G switch.
IPerf Results:
TCP Window:     8kb  |  2Mb
Server on:   -----------------
             |       |       |
Storage srv  | 130mb | 482mb |
             |       |       |
desktop      |  65mb |  69mb |

Well, I feel stupid now. Apparently it's simply a vista feature. The multimedia throttling was what this was. Just hadn't realized I had multimedia open apparently.
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