Slow Login Since Networked Printer Installed


Limp Gawd
Mar 25, 2008
I recently purchased an Epson Artisan which is wirelessly connected to my network. I've got a desktop wired to the router and a latprop that's wireless. I installed the latest version of the Artisan drivers and network program from their website. On both computers, it now takes a long time to login to my account (same user account I used to install the drivers). When it does login, there's an immediate message in the notification area saying that it can't find the networked printer - since it is turned off. My wife has an account on both computers as well and when I log in using her accout, there is no delay nor error message. Both accounts can access the printer just fine when it is on.

I've already tried turning off all Epson Artisan related programs on startup via msconfig.

Any thoughts?
You're running Windows 7? I'm not familiar with that OS at all, but I don't mind offering some help.

I realize you've checked with msconfig to see if any programs are loading, but I'm also curious if you've tried turning them all off as well. There may be something there (most likely) that doesn't claim to be apart of Epson. Best way to do this is disable half the program list at boot, reboot, see if the problem is still there, and then narrow it down from there based on experience.

Basically, there are a few scenarios here that could be causing issues, so I'm going to ask.

Where does the login hang? Is it "Applying computer settings" or something to that effect?

Am I to assume that you can login as her, log out as her, then log in as yourself and experience the hang once again? If it were a service, you shouldn't notice anything like this. We can try to eliminate that it may be a service if you only notice the hang the first time you log in. Try powering up the machine from a cold start and logging in first as her.
You're running Windows 7? I'm not familiar with that OS at all, but I don't mind offering some help.

Yes, Windows 7 Pro x64 - I made sure to download the latest drivers from Epson's site specific for W7 x64. Thank you for offering to help!

I realize you've checked with msconfig to see if any programs are loading, but I'm also curious if you've tried turning them all off as well.

I actually have very few programs listed in msconfig. They are all turned off except ESET NOD32 (antivirus) and Acrotray (Adobe Acrobat).

Where does the login hang? Is it "Applying computer settings" or something to that effect?

Am I to assume that you can login as her, log out as her, then log in as yourself and experience the hang once again? If it were a service, you shouldn't notice anything like this. We can try to eliminate that it may be a service if you only notice the hang the first time you log in. Try powering up the machine from a cold start and logging in first as her.

Yes, the hang occurs after I type in my password and the "Welcome" screen shows up with the loading circular loading indicator. It hangs, then brings me to the desktop. Correct - when I login with her account, she gets sent directly to the desktop.

I tried turning off the computer and rebooting. I logged in first as her and there was no delay. Logged out then logged in as me and same delay.

I'm using a Vertex SSD as my OS drive so these delays become really exaggerated.

Thanks again very much for helping me with this.
Ok I think I've got it ... the Epson printer has memory card ports which are being checked by networked computers. When the printer is off, the networked computers stall trying to check these memory card ports. I just removed / deleted them from My Computer. So far login seems to be back to speed now.
Glad to hear you got it fixed. Not sure I'd have thought of that; my next suggestion was going to be the event log, or to disconnect the printer and see if login was still slow.

Thanks for the heads up. Adds to my arsenal of knowledge!
The message in the notification area that popped up every time I logged in was the clue. The Artisan is a great all-in-one wifi printer ... but nothing is worth slowing down a super fast SSD induced login. :D