Slow File Copy - Windows 7 to WHS


[H]F Junkie
Sep 6, 2007
I have an HP WHS box set up at home, and I just started copying my data over to it for a clean install of Windows 7 on a new motherboard. The PC is in my sig, running Windows 7 Ultimate x64. The WHS box is pretty standard, and has all updates, including PP3.

Last night, I tried copying a folder, 90 GB in size of DVD rips, to the server. If I right-clicked the folder, chose cut, and then right clicked on the server, and chose paste...nothing happened. If I right-clicked the folder and drug it to the server's folder, and then choose move, nothing happened again.

I was able to copy several smaller directories over, that were 5 GB to 9 GB in size, and they worked, but copied very slowly. I have IPv6 disabled, along with both Link Layer items in the TCP/IP properties. Are there any other settings I should be away of, either on the PC or the server?
I've copied several folders of 120GB+ from Win7 x64 Ultimate to WHS and hit no issues, either with slowdowns or not copying. Why are your network settings modified? Try reverting them back to stock and seeing if that helps.
I had them at the default settings initially, and had issues, so I modified those settings in keeping with the Vista network tweaks that have worked for me in the past. On my company network, Vista would act the same way when trying to copy files to a server, and those modifications solved the issue.
If I right-clicked the folder, chose cut, and then right clicked on the server, and chose paste...nothing happened. If I right-clicked the folder and drug it to the server's folder, and then choose move, nothing happened again.

usually a CUT will fail if the source folder cannot be written/modified, and the COPY will never happen. :p

edit: ok.. reading fail maybe? You said DVD rips. d'oh. Did you try doing just a copy/paste?
I definitely have permissions to the write to the folder, and I forgot to add that copy failed as well.
It takes time for Windows to search the subfolders to generate the list of files to be copied.

BTW, I never cut/move files between PCs; I copy then delete the source. Because if I make a mistake and want to cancel, I won't have to move the already moved files back.

Which PC are you using to perform the transfer? And are you using the WHS shares correctly?
any errors logged in the event viewer either on the source or destination machines?
Nope, and last night, it seemed to work much better. The transfer rate seemed slow, but did completely the data transfer.
What was the transfer rate? 2MB/s, 9MB/s, 20MB/s?

I had an issue copying between OSX and Windows where it would be painfully slow (~0.5MB/s to 1.5MB/s) intiating the connection from Windows side, but was plenty fast if I did it from OSX. Turned out I needed to manually set the NIC to be "full duplex" or something like that on the Windows comps...worked great after that.