slk-948u and athlon 64


May 16, 2002
I am looking at getting an athlon 64 system in a few days. I was planning on getting the slk-948u hsf, but I read that the base does not cover the entire heatspreader on the core. Is this true, what would be another good hsf to get instead?
It doesn't need to contact the whole heatspreader. The actual core is not nearly as big as the heatspreader is. It only leaves MAYBE a 1/4" on each side uncovered, so it does cover the entire core. I'm using it with a 92 mm Panaflo and getting great temps. 30C idle and 38C load:D
Thanks, out of curiosity, have you checked to see how warm those uncovered parts get?
Originally posted by wazoo42
Thanks, out of curiosity, have you checked to see how warm those uncovered parts get?
I don't have anything to measure the exact temp with, sorry. But I will tell you that you can't go wrong with Thermalright. The SLK-900U on my NF7-S and this SLK-948U are amazing.