SLI without the bridge


Aug 16, 2005
I am thinking about building a Shuttle SN26P with dual BFG 7800GTX, 256mb's. My question is I can occasionally hook up a projector to my setup and run dual monitors? My projector's native res is 1400x1050 and my LCD's native res is 1280x1024. Is there a way to out put the same desktop to both monitors at native resolution?

I heard before that SLI doesn't support dual monitors, but if I was to not use the bridge and just have 2 PCIe 7800GTX's could they run independently?
You can switch out of SLI mode without removing the bridge. It can be turned on and off in the drivers.
I wouldn't suggest removing it. As previously stated, you can disable SLI. If you for some reason forgot to put the bridge back on, your performance would suffer.
If you remove the bridge SLI still does work, yuo jsut need to shut it off in drivers like the guy above said.
Ok, so if I shut SLI off then I can run dual monitors?

I was trying to find some information online but it seems like even nVidia doesn't have alot of information on their site.