sli noob


Limp Gawd
Jan 28, 2004
I was gonna get another 6800gt and an SLI mobo. BUt some questions.

1. is there any real point?
2. Way back when it came out u needed a seperate driver for each game, is it still like that?
3. Should I just wait and get a 7950 instead?
torvalds said:
I was gonna get another 6800gt and an SLI mobo. BUt some questions.

1. is there any real point?
2. Way back when it came out u needed a seperate driver for each game, is it still like that?
3. Should I just wait and get a 7950 instead?

ad 1) no, because 6800GT + SLI mobo = 1 Better videocard pricewise anyways (7600GT and up)

ad 2) no

ad 3) Up to you. The 7950 is really expensive. I'd get a 7900GT (if you want to stick with nVidia) or a X1800XT or X1900XT.
Maybe waiting would be best. I could need two dx10 cards then tho instead of buying just one more. Is the 7950 the first dx10 card or will there be cheaper ones?

Im reading reviews and stuff on different sites and they mostly say like a 20 fps gain minimum in most games. some ive seen are over 30fps. IS sli really that good?

Thanks for the help guys.
uhmmm how long is my wait gonna be then? Maybe ill just get another 6800gt, its worth it right?
ive read it now i must have missed it. this is all rather terrible and is gonna cost a fortune :(

I think ill wait for something more powerful to come out and go with it instead i think.