SLI Motherboard with PCI slots availaible?


Mar 30, 2004
This may well be impossible, but I'll ask anyway. I'm looking toward getting a 4400+ x2 cpu as well as (someday) getting into SLI. The video card I'm looking at is the 512mb version of the 7800 gtx which, as we all know, is a dual slot card.

My question is: Is there any decent motherboard out there that I can someday have a sli setup on it that will leave me more than 1 pci slot open (with the dual slot cards)? I have 3 pci cards now, One that I could dump, a second that I'd really rather not get rid of, and the third must remain.

Thanks for the input.
I believe the DFI SLI-DR Expert has three PCI slots (one of which would most likely be covered by a 7800GTX512.