Size of LCD Monitor


Jul 13, 2004
Hey, everyone with an LCD monitor can you do me a favour. Can you measure the depth of your monitor. From the screen to the furthest point back. Also can anyone suggest a really, really thin monitor. Plans for it are to go in a briefcase, so I only have 4-5cm's for it.

I got an LG L1730S, measuring about 10cm.
there's thinner LCD's, but dunno of any with just 5cm :S
Good luck finding them, though :)
I want a thin...extremely thin monitor, so even 5cm is pushing it. I'm willing to cut the stand off and all extra little pieces of plastic crap in the way...but thin is what I need.

Any others?

Thanks :)
You might try Sony... but still, I can't advice you much.
Try to look around some stores, to try and find what u need :)
If this is for a mod, you might find a laptop display with the working interface or something.
I was considering using a laptop display, but it's too much work because of the card you'd need to support the display.

Thanks anyways
You can buy automotive displays up to 21" or more, all very thin..but I don't recall any with a VGA input. That doesn't mean they don't exist, just haven't seen any.

Just a thought

Srry about the size but the actual screen of my 172x is about 2.5 cm's so if you can get rid of the base some how you might be in buisness:

Dremel the base away. But in most LCD monitors, are their wires running through the base? or are they on the outside?

Bennyb - How much was that monitor if you don't mind me asking.


Edit - How do they measure the size of a monitor anyways? Like...15" monitor, how do they measure it to say it is 15"?
burg said:
Edit - How do they measure the size of a monitor anyways? Like...15" monitor, how do they measure it to say it is 15"?
Edge of panel to edge of panel. A 15" LCD has 15 inches viewable.
OMG burg this is so weird i was just wondering the same thing on a post over at gideontech. in fact i am also doing a briefcase mod!!!! :eek:

anyhow, i havent gotten a lot of information, but one lcd that looks extremely promising is the NITS M15M, found here:

whereas most lcd monitors list their "depth" as including the stand, this one seems to have listed something different. I hope that number (1.14"?) is the thickness of the bezel + the controller box, because that would mean it is less than 30mm...

i am trying to build a monitor into a briefcase with thickness no more than 1.8", but i would like it to be less than 1.2", so i have been scouring the web for information also.

like you said, the samsung lcd's, although claiming to be ultra-thin, have wires running through the base, making it impossible to judge their true thickness.

please notify me if you have any more information.

by the way, if you don't mind me asking, what sort of rig were you planning on putting into your briefcase and how big is your briefcase?

thanks, Chaos

EDIT: also, if you were wondering how "tall" the lcd is, i would say that most 15" lcd will be less than 12" in height. just a little something i picked up while measuring lcd monitors at the local wal-mart. ;)
Well, My case is 18*L*x13*W*x4*D*" so its roomy. I'm building an aluminum frame for each part then bolting it into the case. It's quite funky I must say, but cool non the less. I plan on covering all of the components with a plexi glass cover. As for the friend measured his 17" and it was an 1" and something, the monitor and back side itseft, and his has the wires loose from the stand. would work. You just have to cut away the stand, and then mount it *haven't really thought about how too, depends on the size I suppose*

But the other option, offered in this thread, would be to use a car LCD with VGA plug because it is very thin.

How's yours coming along? I've started building the frame. Fun :)
i built a frame for the mobo and have enough angle brackets to place the power supply, cdrom, hdd, etc. however, i am pausing contruction because we are moving, and also i would like to mount the lcd monitor into the case first to see how much space i have left after that.
What kind of a system are you putting in the case?

Ever tried for parts? They specialize in small computers and TONS of weird and small cases/computers.
I'm putting my server in the briefcase actually *2ghz celey, 512 SD, blah blah* And it's really gunna be just a server, but on vacations and such I can take it along easily.

What I was really thinking about is, is there any batteries or anything that would be able to act like a regular power supply? Like a laptop battery, but better.

You would have to get a power inverter and a big car battery (or something with similar stored power), which are expensive and heavy.