Single drive server


Nov 14, 2005
I am setting up a linux based file server in my home. Currently it has a 40GB O/S drive and a 400GB WD RE for data storage. I don't have the bucks to spend on another 400GB drive at the moment so RAID is out for the time being. My plan is to eventually get 2 or more 400GB drives, but I want to get the server up and running asap. Any thoughts on partitioning schemes that may help me minimize rework when I can add the other drives? I have EVMS installed and was planning on using it to manage my drives(once I figure out how to use the thing that is). Thanks.

I think you can't go from a single disk to a raid 5 array (for example) in any simple way. You *might* be able to define a single disk raid 0 array, then when you get more disks add one disk and convert it into a raid 5 array. But don't count on it.

Simplest is going to be backup and restore. Buy an external disk (you need backups anyways) before you buy the other disks. EVMS supports expanding an existing raid 5 array, and according to my tests it works fine, but I didn't try cycling power in the middle ;) Backup before you do it, and get on an UPS if you aren't already.

Thanks U_M,

For now I have the 400GB formatted with XFS(with a UPS) and I will store data there and backup using tar/gzip to another(smaller) drive on a routine basis. I don't have a ton of data yet so backup space is not that big a concern. Once I get the additional 400GB drives I will do a final backup, re-configure the 400GB drives into a raid array, and then restore to the new array. I'll worry about playing with EVMS at that time. :D Thanks.
