simple pvc tubes ?


Jul 15, 2006
because of our limited choices we have here (in israel)
my options from "home center" \ "home depot" is only a simple silicon tubes, simple pvc tubes or thermaltake "itube9" (but its cost twice).

what is your suggest ?
The silicone tubing is REALLY easy to work with, but it does let water evaporate and isn't clear.

PVC is really HARD to work with, but wont let water evaporate and is totally clear.

PVC tubing can be boiled, bent to shape and cooled in said shape... This will literally MOULD it to the shape you specify, and actually makes for some pretty good tubing this way. Just boil it for a good 5 minutes, and let it cool in the shape you need (tough to do) for at least 10... It helps if you have an empty freezer you can shove it in.
Arcygenical said:
The silicone tubing is REALLY easy to work with, but it does let water evaporate and isn't clear.

PVC is really HARD to work with, but wont let water evaporate and is totally clear.

PVC tubing can be boiled, bent to shape and cooled in said shape... This will literally MOULD it to the shape you specify, and actually makes for some pretty good tubing this way. Just boil it for a good 5 minutes, and let it cool in the shape you need (tough to do) for at least 10... It helps if you have an empty freezer you can shove it in.

thats really helpfull information, i allso gointo have pvc tubing at my wc system. will cold water do the trick of cooling that tube, you know after boiling it?
Yep, cold water will be fine, just make sure you keep it in the same shape as it cools.