Simple Games For The Girlfreind

and no, it's not a 'no bariner', I *DETEST* the sims like I detest barney.

Hate to say it, but you're in a minority there.

Large portions of the installed userbase that played The Sims were women and other groups that typically don't play other videogames. That it why it sold so had appeal to an untapped market.

RPGs also tend to be popular with female gamers. Groups like the "Frag Dolls" are about as rare as living dinosaurs.
Maximus825 said:
The trick to this is not talking to her when you're gaming. Just don't do it. Eventually she'll want to get into gaming just so that she can talk to you while you're playin'...

LOL as horrible as that sounds your probably right.
"Talk" should be used loosely. Women don't want you to talk to them. They want you to ask the correct question that will allow them to run their mouth for an hour or so. You've got to "listen".
kpedge said:
If I wait any longer I may not get to enjoy our other multiplayer activity :eek: .

HAHAHAHA. Sorry. I did find that quite amusing.
WickedAngel said:
"Talk" should be used loosely. Women don't want you to talk to them. They want you to ask the correct question that will allow them to run their mouth for an hour or so. You've got to "listen".

Thats just too true, sadly...

If I wait any longer I may not get to enjoy our other multiplayer activity :eek:

Very funny, i'll pay that! That is a pretty good game to play with a female, though... :p

Anyway, the Sims is the way to go. Girls I know play it literally for hours on end. And Rollercoaster Tycoon. They are easy games for anyone to get into, and they appeal to a large number of females, probably because they're not gory or anything like that.
Another suggestion: board games turned into video games. i know most of us go "ugh", but my wife and i occassionally have played "Monopoly Tycoon". Also, games that you can play cooperatively- like Battlefield or UT2004 teams. A lot of time they want to play WITH you, not just being a target for you. Of course, when they get good you want them on YOUR side anyway. :)
A lot of time they want to play WITH you, not just being a target for you.

That brings up another point.

When you finally do find a game she likes...don't beat her ass relentlessly (You do that in a bedroom, later). As her talent improves, gradually release your true skill. You'll find that they can learn rather quickly...
WickedAngel said:
That brings up another point.

When you finally do find a game she likes...don't beat her ass relentlessly (You do that in a bedroom, later). As her talent improves, gradually release your true skill. You'll find that they can learn rather quickly...

Couldn't agree more- went from "holding back" to "hoping not to be humiliated". The first time my wife went with me to a small (8-10) LAN party we would all be running around then someone would drop and you would hear in a girly voice "Yeah, I got him!" It was cute until she started winning :cool:
WickedAngel said:
"Talk" should be used loosely. Women don't want you to talk to them. They want you to ask the correct question that will allow them to run their mouth for an hour or so. You've got to "listen".

Actually I disagree. Plenty of times when I use the comptuer my girlfriend just rambels on, and every once in awhile I give a "yeah" or "um-hm" so she dosen't think I'm zoned out. Sometimes I really get clever and pick up a loose bit of what she talking about, and say something remotly related to the subject. She is getting tricky however. Sometimes she is says something rediculous like "My little brother exploded the other day" and I'm like "oh that's cool" and then comes the "YOU HAVEN'T LISTENED TO A WORD I SAID!" and the game continues....
WickedAngel said:
That brings up another point.

When you finally do find a game she likes...don't beat her ass relentlessly (You do that in a bedroom, later).

4keatimj said:
... and they appeal to a large number of females, probably because they're not gory or anything like that.

heh that could be true, although my girlfriend is all about Soldier Of Fortune 2 Deathmatch. She will own you too :) She likes it because of the outrageous gore, and the games movement, since she really got good at FPS games with quake 3 and q3instagib and SOF2 uses the q3 engine.
seems like everyone is leaning towards the sims, thanks for all the awesome responses.

I could NEVER get her into somthing like 1/2 life, she played need for speed underground 1 for a little but even that caused her to lose interest with all the upgrades.

She dominates the Super Nintendo though i'll tell you that much. I think the sims sounds like a good idea, as well as maybe one of the tycoon games, which one is everyones favorit? i dont think her dell could handle any of the modern ones that are even semi graphic intensive.
I think that 'Shopping, Knitting and Ironing Simulator IV' would be a good starting place for most women.

I kid, I kid. I've tried to get my Dad into games but didn't have much luck. He's a bit of a war history buff, but he didn't even get into Shogun: Total War. How about something like Grim Fandango? It's story and puzzle driven with a fairly distinct and stylish appearance. It might lure in the non games player where a first person shooter would fail.
OldPueblo said:
If you can get it running, Manian Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle!!
The original one was such an awesome game! I played the sh*t outta it. :D
I recently installed american mcgee's 'alice' on my g/f's dated pc and she enjoyed it once she got the hang of that whole 'mouselook' thing.. only problem is the game has a few bugs and can be frustrating at times when your looking for certain things but other than that she enjoyed it.
Ummm I dont really care about the whole "chick" thing, I just make jokes about it if you see my post other post on diffrent things but I would suggest you just TALK and find out what her likes are, doesnt have to mean you flat out go "What games do you like?!?!" You would just have to maybe (should have already by now anyways) use your brain and figure out what type of game that revolves around close to stuff she truely likes to do. Simple logic is stuff like: If she likes to do puzzles maybe a puzzle type game is a good idea (Puzzle or sometimes known to some as Problem Solving) or if she likes to read maybe some RPG's that have very detaled stories and such, I know for a fact if when I started gaming if someone would have stuck some game I might not have liked or had any awe factor to what I liked at the time then I'd have played it beat it, then set the controler (keyboard at the time but still) down to never pick it up to play again.... But if you want to show her waste of money and time then give her something she might have NO care about, trust me it would also give some plus points for you as well if you found a game she was very impressed and wants to keep playing and when another comes out she wants to buy it...

To make this long post short:

Use logic on buying your GF a game, remember you have a could be future gamer in the works! You can do one of two things for her: Ruin video gaming all together or Make playing video games a very enjoyable time... Its alot more then some people here put into it.... I've had someone I dated buy me a horrid game, it just never seemed to wana stop after he did on buying games.
LadyMakoFox said:
Ummm I dont really care about the whole "chick" thing, I just make jokes about it if you see my post other post on diffrent things but I would suggest you just TALK and find out what her likes are, doesnt have to mean you flat out go "What games do you like?!?!" .

We all appreciate your input.. but why can't it just be flat out.. " what do you like"... bleh..

Women are too complicated for me.. i still can't figure out my girlfriend.. and we've been together for 4 years...

somehow she has me figured... she can almost always guess what my reaction to something would be...

i don't expect to ever figure her out... i remember my dad saying not too long ago that he still hasn't figured out my mom.. lol...

:( :(
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
We all appreciate your input.. but why can't it just be flat out.. " what do you like"... bleh..

Women are too complicated for me.. i still can't figure out my girlfriend.. and we've been together for 4 years...

somehow she has me figured... she can almost always guess what my reaction to something would be...

i don't expect to ever figure her out... i remember my dad saying not too long ago that he still hasn't figured out my mom.. lol...

:( :(
Didnt say you had to understand her 100% just take note of what she likes to do, like mine if I wana get her something she likes and makes her go "ohhhh" like I am hunting her an old Gameboy Color that she likes the color of (clear purple one) and such, not because I asked her... Its because she seems to love the gameboys of that color and LOVES gameboy color games...

See its not that hard, just simple not taking! If you need more advice just PM me, I have no problem with helping you guys understand women alittle more.
LOL.. i remember i tried to get my girlfriend to play medal of honor.. she thought world war 2 was too creepy so she stopped playing after like 5 minutes lol..

I think she might like a game like animal crossing..
Its not about what others think is best, that will get you no where fast... Try putting more then a post and using those answers to get her a game, even if she didnt like the game she will be happy you took the time and see you pay attention to more then just other things (you know exsactly what I mean dont even make me explain this) and more to her as a whole person!
With my gf, I got her hooked on the worms games. that way we could play against one another, and the learning curve to get good is next to nothing(I don't know about the new 3d one though. It does not look fun and looks to complex). Now we play rail road tycoon 3. Thats good because there is still no learning curve, and we can sit together and play. I am trying to get her to co-op through something like diablo, but she says the game looks stupid.

UT is good because girls do like to shot people. you just have to work your way up to playing onlinbe. its no fun if all you do is die.
my gf is hooked on half-life2. this is nothing leisure though. she has to take control of my machine to play this beast. her old machine handles solitare with a bit of help.
With my wife, I found that burnout and dead or alive worked well....both things we could play together that don't have a steep learning curve and are pretty much instant gratification. I mean, she loves to force me into oncoming traffic or beat me up in dead or alive....until I start playing and beat her in the game, then she beats me in real life.....

but thats her.
Hook up an emulator and get some Dr. Mario. I think most super nintendo games are more approachable to non hardcore gamers. Or you could hook up some Mario All-Stars. Yes. Of course, legally you need to own copies of the games.
I dislike these questions, personally. It's like saying all women have a hive mind, they all like the same thing. Women are people too (shock horror).

As far as advice goes, maybe Animal Crossing? If she likes cutesy things, plus it's a good game aswell. If you want to get her started on FPS games, Alice or No One Lives Forever 1 or 2 are good beginner games (on easy anyway).

What type of things does she like outside of games, that'd give more of an indication of what she'd like. Gender alone doesn't really help. We all like different things, some girls like Sims-games, I prefer FPS/strategy/RPG.
chick chick chick chick chick chick

It's not demeaning, now settle down and take a nap.
my ex played a lot of fighting games. She would talk all kinds of shit when she won. Eventually I couldn't take the shit talking, so I showed her what I could really do. After several flawless victories in a row she vowed to never play soul calibur 2 with me again.
We would still play 'hide the salami' though...
xTABx7 said:
Just want some suggestions..... What's a good game to give to my gf just for a leisure activity, she's not big into video games or anything, but she doesnt hate em(she plays mario kart w/us somtimes) she has a dell, so it cant be anything intensive, i was thinking along the lines of some of those tycoon games? lemonade tycoon? or like a leisure suit larry type game? somthing somewhat simple.... lets here some suggestions

Buy her a Nintendo DS with feel the magic game. No questions about it. Trust me, chicks dig the DS touch gaming simplicity .
kpedge said:
My wife likes the Battlefield series, but not ant RTSs. She's been bugging me to buy HL2 for her machine. If I wait any longer I may not get to enjoy our other multiplayer activity :eek: .

