Silverstone SG04 - Handle Removed


Sep 3, 2007
For those who are wondering what the SG04 with the handle removed, here is a picture of what it looks like. I'm going to do some modding to this case over the couple of months and I figured I show potential buyers what it looks like when you remove the handle. As you can tell from the picture they still have the hole on the bottom right corner where the power switch used to be on the SG03.

Plus not sure if people are aware of this (I certainly wasn't) the only openable side is the front left side. It swings open to show the USB, Firewire ports, etc... But the middle and right section is one piece and it's screwed into the front of case by two screws. So you'll have to open the left side and you'll see one screw on the top and one screw on the bottom securely holding the middle section and the right side as one.

Thanks for the tip if i was to buy this case anything else u find wierd or wrong pass my way please.
A dozen drill holls in the top makes it look a bit shabby I am afraid. Also baffled as to why they changed the front panel to rounded. DVD trays I have seen are not rounded so it will not be flush and not look right. It also takes up more space this way. The SG04 seems such a big step backwards in terms of ergonomics, fit & finish.
i am a massice silverstone/sugo fan as you can see from my sig, but i cannot like this case despite it being in theory everything i could want from a power-user mATX case.