Silly Mistake... (Airflow and Fan stuff)


Jan 6, 2006
As i was excited about getting my MGE Quantum case so long ago, I didnt think about which way the fans would face, or how i could optimize air flow...

Thus i come to this quite embarrasing situation. I have no clue which way to stick those pretty fans in, and i've taken them in and out cleaning those filters countless times untill i'm unsure which is doing what, and what they are supposed to do :p.

At present, i think i have them all blowing inward.

Could someone please turn the light on upstairs for me? Perhaps theres a Standard that the sticker is on a certain side, or something :p. I have five fans, one top, one back, one front (though it appears quite useless, as the "door" covers it nicely), and two side.

For any information about my Case, here is a nice review i found on it...

Also, the manufacturers website is

Thanks in advance!
Almost forgot..

I'm looking to reduce noise and vibration in the case, however my fans are not "Screw-In", thus anti-vibration screws are not viable. They actually snap in. Any suggestions to silence them?
I should be able to search the forums for other noise reduction tips, so i wont ask for repeats ^_^. If you have anything interesting to point out, though, It would be recieved with appreciation! :D
lol ^

Take a tissue and put it infront of a fan (don't let go), it will tell you which way the fan is pointing.

Look at the fan. What looks like the front is really the intake. The back part may have a frame in front of it, that is the exaust.
All fans have two arrows on their sides, one that indicates the direction of rotation and one that shows the air flow direction.
In case you want to know which way to have the fans blowing inside your pc...

Fans ot the front blow into the PC, fans at the back blow out of the PC.
Fans on the sides blow in (usually), fans on the top blow out.
Just read the second post.

To reduce air noise, remove any obstruction to airflow that is close to the fan.
For example, most cases dont have a fan hole but a metal plate with many holes in it.
This reduces air flow and makes more noise.
Cut them out :)

If you have filters on your fans they will add to the air noise.

To reduce vibration, fit thin squares of cloth where the fan clips into place.
Using very thin material should allow a very snug fit.
Thanks so much! :D.

Now that thats taken care off, off to my upgrade and baybus.

This is going to be a busy open-case session! :p.
nps :)

another useful method of reducing air noise is supply less volts to the fans.

Black is connected to 0V (Black)
Yellow is connected to 12V (Yellow)

Supply 7V to the fans by connecting the Black wire of the fan to Red (5V) of the power connector. Leave the Yellow connected to Yellow.

Supply 5V to the fans by connecting the fans Yellow to Red. Leave the Black connected to Black.

Removal of fan grills and cutting holes where the fans sit in the case will help a lot with airflow such that you may get away with reduced fans speeds as well :)

The deciding factor on how low you can go is how hot the case temps get.
If you overclock and your CPU can run Stress Prime 2004 for an hour or so you should be fine. Any graphics card overclock will need to be checked too.