*Sigh* 8800gtx


Jun 25, 2006
Ok, I got my 8800gtx back in november 2 days before thanksgiving and all was well. Played Oblivion,dark messiah, GRAW, HL2 all at maxed settings no problem. Then my motherboard died so I had to put it up for a while till I got my rma replacement. Now that I got a replacement motherboard everything seemed fine or so it seemed since I was playing San andreas for a few days straight (game isn't very gpu demanding) but after a while I finaly took a break from gta and reinstalled oblivion and fired it up the frame rates were horrible. I thought that it was probably the performance decay a few other people were getting after a few restarts. So I reformat and get a fresh install of windows fresh 97.44 driver install install oblivion and the frame rates are still low. I did it a second time full format and windows install except using the drivers that came with the card same oblivion performance. My computer specs are; E6300 stock (was @ 2.8 but reset it back to stock just to be sure), Asus p5b dlx wifi, crucial 10th anniversary ram, corsair 620HX psu.

Edit: forgot to mention this is at1280x1024 resolution so you can see why this is a problem. Yeah the 8800gtx is overkill but I'm trying to find a good 22" monitor that I like.
did you patch oblivion to v1.1? that patch does a lot of stuff to optimize it for dual cores.. Also, do you have FEAR? that's a good test to ensure the card is performing well also.. DL the demo if you don't have a reg copy.. you might be able to rule this as a problem with Oblivion.. check the Oblivion tweak guides for lots of things to make sure it's useing shader 3.0 and such.. http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_1.html make sure to edit the oblivion.ini in your 'my games/oblivion' folder. maybe for grins try the 97.02 drivers also... some peeps say they perform better for them. I guess you can also check your bios for possible pci-e optimizations..and while you're there, if thing still are slow, try updating your bios to the latest stable version.. and update your chipset drivers to the latest verison! good luck!
I can't help you with the first part but I just bought this monitor and it's really nice: Monitor

The thing feels like you're at the theater, except you're playing games. It's 330 on Costco's site, it's 22", and newegg has a 20.1" model for the same price. It is much bigger in person than it looks in the pictures. It's an awesome monitor, I've never seen HL2 look so good :D Or any game for that matter. Comes with a DVI cable.
nice lcd for sure.. costco also sells a 22" Sceptre which is a very nice 5ms panel. or the X2gen which I think uses the same panel.. for about 3 hundy.
the sceptre is supposed to be very nice.. there was some talk about it in the displays forum.
I can vouch for sceptre I got the 19" X9 and its beautiful, blacks look black, colors are vibrant
Well, whatever he buys, I have a beautiful New Zealand wallpaper I got from interfacelift.com that looks really good on 22 inchers-

Well I just got done reformating and installing windows + the 97.02 drivers (the ones I originally installed when I got the card) and the problem is still there. I would hate to have to rma my video card since newegg's return policy is over and evga has the 8800gtxs on backorder from the site. Although the site could lie I really would hate to rma it and either get something I did not pay for or have to wait for more to come in stock I could care less if I got a refurbished card as long as it works.
wow - everyone seems to like to re-install windows to fix these video card problems.. I usually do that at last resort.. but anyways, did you patch Oblivion to 1.1? also, try some other games, like the FEAR demo to see how that performs.. turn the AA up to 4x and the AF to 16x.. that should challenge the card a bit even at 1280x1024..
Well I got the game after I got the video card so it came 1.14 already. I was browsing in xtremesystems and saw that some people had problems with their 8800gts' and a bios change fixed it so I tried it. Oddly enough it worked kind of going to check again. This is a bit late but here is a little more info on the problem. I'm getting about 15-25 or so when you start a new game and the 3 gaurds and king come down to your cell and start talking to you and just about every time you meet them again. Which is just crazy since before the new motherboard I was getting like 40+ or so with 8 aa at 1280x1024 I believe.

Edit: Turns out that the motherboard bios change and re overclocking my cpu got the oblivion performance I remebered. Now I can start looking at the monitors some of you suggested. Thanks.