Shuttle XPC Mod for High-End Video cards = A MUST

GT2k said:
Wow seems so simple, thanks a lot :)

No problem. I have gotten many tips and idea's from guys here in the past. It is great to have a forum like this to exchange idea's.

Hey if anyone does this mod, feel free to post pics here in this thread, I would like to see what variations you guys come up with...
Looks sweet on that chassis. Only thing holding me back from going wacko on my shuttle is that I use the carying case... I need a shoehorn to get it in already, they made it to the exact case dimensions.

So how do you get the cover off on that side? Those designs still slide back before you can pull them off right?
Jewball said:
I traced the fan housing onto cardboard paper and just used that cut-out to trace it onto the case cover. To know where to put the cut-out on the case cover, I simply measured from the bottom of the chassis to the bottom of the fan housing with the video card installed in the system (the case cover was removed obviously). To do the tracing on the case cover itself, I used liquid white-out. Now, I know that sounds crazy, but I was using what was at my disposal at 3:00am that morning. Also, with the case being black so your standard writing utensils wouldn't work. Not only that, but the white-out came off the case easily, if I had used a colored marker or something I may have stained the case. Even with all this it was still a relatively easy mod, and I am sure there are even easier ways to do it than what I came up with. Like I said, I just used what I had available.

thats a nice jobe for somat done at 3am, heck id be happy if i could do something so neat at 12 noon:)
Nice job man, you gave me another idea, I might just cut the cover along the top length right down the middle and hinge the 2 halves together so that I can open it up easier I could then use your thumbscrew idea along the bottom edges on both sides to hold the cover in place. And use some thin molding around the opening to give it a nice finished look. I'm definitely gonna try this.
ncantador said:
Nice job man, you gave me another idea, I might just cut the cover along the top length right down the middle and hinge the 2 halves together so that I can open it up easier I could then use your thumbscrew idea along the bottom edges on both sides to hold the cover in place. And use some thin molding around the opening to give it a nice finished look. I'm definitely gonna try this.

Sounds like a good idea, post some pics of the mod when you are done!
n64man120 said:
Made it to the main page of [H]... lucky you :D

I know....pretty kick ass. I never thought I would get that. I showed my wife and all she could say was "Couldn't you have cleaned up the counter before you took those pictures?"
:rolleyes: :D
Jewball said:
I know....pretty kick ass. I never thought I would get that. I showed my wife and all she could say was "Couldn't you have cleaned up the counter before you took those pictures?"
:rolleyes: :D

Haha, good stuff.

Seriously though, seeing this has got me wanting to get back to building a gaming box, I kinda wanna work towards an SN95G5 with an X800XT-PE (cus I've heard the AGP X850's OC for $hit) equiped with an ATI4, a Venice 3500+ (so i can save for an FX-57 ;) ) and a gig of GSkill PC4400 LA or the likes (because VX is out of the question with less then 3.0v available in the XPC). I probly wouldnt even end up painting the box.....that mod of yours and a couple of my own I have planned would be enough to keep me happy, and that'd be one hell of a LAN box.

I'll be sendin' you a PM shortly about something.....

EDIT: I've been checking out some more reviews, and it seems there ARE a fair number of cards hitting 570MHz on stock cooling, so throwing the Silencer on the card should get me about there, and some light voltmodding should take me to 600MHz so I can leave it at that nice, round figure.....looks like I'll be going for an X850. ;)
Steve said:
very nice work bro, very nice!!

On the Shuttle cases, I just take out the side screens, on cases with windows on them I cut a hole or remove the plexi like I did on this one last year:


Your case modification is very nice. :cool:

SWEET!!! A FIC/AMS/CFI mini... just like my priamry mini... cept black...
Great mod!

Although I'm _fairly_ comfortable with a dremel....

Can anyone suggest a specific link with prices for replacement shuttle g-chasis covers? I've been inspired by this simple, functional, yet elegant mod, but I dont trust my abilities to get it done correctly on the first shot. ;)

Also, I've got the sn85gv3 and I dislike the front faceplate. I've visited the shuttle site, visited their "ebay" store and I can't find items like were described in the insert from the original box (replacement covers, etc). I miss the sn85g4v2's black-mirrored front-plate, but I am really looking to ditch the card-reader since I have no need for it.

So, Jewball, or anyone else trying this mod... If you screw up the cover, where are you finding replacement parts? :)

Oh, excellent mod, I gotta say that again.
Steve, from the looks of that picture that GPU heatsink/fan needs to be hit with some compressed air to clear the dust a little.
|NOLAFF|-JD said:
Steve, from the looks of that picture that GPU heatsink/fan needs to be hit with some compressed air to clear the dust a little.

Haha, good point....but how many people can honestly say that there's doesn't need to be? :p
Bullitt said:
Great mod!

Although I'm _fairly_ comfortable with a dremel....

Can anyone suggest a specific link with prices for replacement shuttle g-chasis covers? I've been inspired by this simple, functional, yet elegant mod, but I dont trust my abilities to get it done correctly on the first shot. ;)

Also, I've got the sn85gv3 and I dislike the front faceplate. I've visited the shuttle site, visited their "ebay" store and I can't find items like were described in the insert from the original box (replacement covers, etc). I miss the sn85g4v2's black-mirrored front-plate, but I am really looking to ditch the card-reader since I have no need for it.

So, Jewball, or anyone else trying this mod... If you screw up the cover, where are you finding replacement parts? :)

Oh, excellent mod, I gotta say that again.

Thanks, as far as the replacement cover goes, I am sure you can find them somewhere (never had to do it myself, I guess I just assumed). I did find this replacement cover with the black mesh sides in it. That one would look/be cooler anyway ;)
Outstanding fresh air intake!

Are there any tricks to modifying the CPU HSK?
Something like an XP-90 w/ Tornado. etc.
fore1337 said:
Outstanding fresh air intake!

Are there any tricks to modifying the CPU HSK?
Something like an XP-90 w/ Tornado. etc.

I have given some minor thought to this but those heatpipes just work so damn well! That said, most people just cut the grill out of the back of the case or add another fan to the back for increased air flow., I had one once.....never again.....never
Pherret said:
Now thats [H]ard :cool:

I'll second that.....but wait 'till you guys see what I'm gonna be doing with this SN95G5...a great deal of the mods I had planned for my Lian-Li are gonna be transfered over onto this XPC, to give myself one hell of a LAN/gaming box when the hardware is done. ;)
I have the shuttle sn85gv3 kit. How do I mod it so that I can fix 1 dvd burner and 2 hard drives into the case; someone please help me soon
ALYNCH75 said:
I have the shuttle sn85gv3 kit. How do I mod it so that I can fix 1 dvd burner and 2 hard drives into the case; someone please help me soon

I just sold my SN85G4V3 about two weeks ago. I had a DVD burner and two Raptors in it. You don't need to mod anything, you just need to remove the card reader and put the second hard drive in its place.
cornelious0_0 said:
I'll second that.....but wait 'till you guys see what I'm gonna be doing with this SN95G5...a great deal of the mods I had planned for my Lian-Li are gonna be transfered over onto this XPC, to give myself one hell of a LAN/gaming box when the hardware is done. ;)
go [H] on a good bling version of it. I was gonna but decided against
G'ßöö said:
go [H] on a good bling version of it. I was gonna but decided against

Oh I will.....but it's not gonna be a bling version OF is going to be THIS box.....perfected and pimped by yours truely. :cool:

Edit: Even though it's gonna be one HELL of a drive, I'm going to QuakeCon this year, and just signed up...anyone interested in seeing the 95G5 in person after I'm done with it can come find me at the BYOC. ;)

I'm gonna be doing some "window work" with the chasis....and on the right side I'm cutting around the PSU on the panel, and if I can come up with a cool font/style I might get "cornelious0_0" airbrushed onto the panel in the top right corner. The case is either going to be painted a black mirror'd finish.....or is gonna be 100% chromed.....and I'm leaning towards chromed. :D
cornelious0_0 said:
Hehe, sure do. ;)

Spelling was just a bit off though, it's Saskatchewan. :p
negative hehe. I really wanted to say newfie ...anything east of calgary is a newfie ;)

jking aside. that is a trek fer sher. I admire ya. have a blast!
Looking into it just a LITTLE bit, I'm not sure how practical actually getting the XPC chromed would be, instead...I wanna find the most realistic way to get a true mirrored finish on the entire casing.....including the front drive covers and that the entire body looks as so:

cornelious0_0 said:
Edit: Even though it's gonna be one HELL of a drive, I'm going to QuakeCon this year, and just signed up...anyone interested in seeing the 95G5 in person after I'm done with it can come find me at the BYOC. ;)

Your drivin all the way from canada to quakecon?! **Temped to drop 300$ on a plane ticket to go down there as well**
n64man120 said:
Thats nuts, mapquest says it would be 24 hours for me.

Well, my bad.....friend thought it'd be longer.....24 isn't TOO bad....but I'm still going, can't wait for the BOYC and [H]ard|OCP "conference"...gonna be a kicka$$ three days. :cool:
Mapquest says 24 hour drive from my house, I'm sure for you it would be quite a bit longer lol

It would be really cool to go for the BYOC and [H]ard|OCP festivities... but I think I'll spend the 300$ on a plane ticket elsewhere
n64man120 said:
but I think I'll spend the 300$ on a plane ticket elsewhere

Not me, I can't wait.....gotta get the XPC modded and all finished up in time though, gonna be entering the case mod contest at QuakeCon and at Fraga if they have one, can't remember.