Shuttle cases?


Jan 3, 2006
Could someone point me in the direction of a nice easy to work with shuttle case please?
A Shuttle is not a mATX case.

An Aspire X-QPack, among others, are mATX cases.

There is no way to determine your costs without knowing the hardware you want.
Yeah, you need to be more specific, such as if you want Intel or AMD, what do you intend to do with it, HTPC, Games, etc.
alright, im looking for an amd system, not top of the line thats for sure, just something my sister can do her homework on and chat, no heavy gaming necessary
Okay, 2 more things, what's your budget and are you looking to upgrade it in the future? Once you answer those, I'll start looking around.

The thing is Socket 754 Shuttles with AGP slot right now are fairly cheap, but if you go that route, there's really not much choice in upgrade. If you go with a Socket 939, then you'd have a lot more choice in upgrade down the road, but it'd be more expensive to build right now.
Go with everything onboard then.

Athlon 64 3000+
512MB - 1GB RAM
160GB hard drive
DVDRW w/ Litescribe
Card Reader w/ floppy drive
WinXP Home
Norton 2006

That should about cover it.

Maybe add a MS wireless desktop, printer, speakers and LCD?
Not looking to upgrade that soon, I would be fine using AGP. Buget is probably aroud 500 bucks, if not a little more.
I'd go with onboard video fro now. It'll save some $$$ that way. You might even find one with Geforce 6150 onboard.
Is it me, or did it seem like the post went nowhere?

The last post and the title post are exactly the same! :confused:
No it went lots of places, i just wasnt sure of what cases were out there, i thought someone would point me in the direction of a shuttle case other then....shuttle brand. I dont really want to buy a barebone PC with the mobo in it already.
Okay, I think you are using the wrong term here. All along we thought that you want a Shuttle , Shuttle is a company that makes small barbone computers, not a type of case. I think what you mean is you want a SFF (small form factor) case right? Such as THIS or THIS .

Get back to us if that is what you want. Just to repeat it again, small computers aren't called Shuttles, they are a brand.
OK, its startiung to make sense now. Lets go over a few things real quick.

ATX = 12" X 9.6" = 5 PCI slots, 1 AGP or 2 PCI-X slots
mATX = 9.6" X 9.6" = 3 PCI slots, 1 AGP or 1 PCI-X slot

The Shuttle boards do not fit in either category. They are different dimensions, and have 1 PCI slot, and 1 AGP or PCI-X slot.

So, going by the above statement, I think you are looking for a mATX system or a SHuttle-brade system. Both would be classified as a SFF.

As far as price, I would lean towards an X-QPack before I looked at a Shuttle. You have much more upgrade options, and it uses standard sized power supplies and motherboards.