shutdown -r -f -t xxx

Today I went to schedule my restart, shutdown -r -f -t 40000 but it just spewed out the help so I assumed I just had a error in the command. But then I noticed,

 /t xxx   Set the time-out period before shutdown to xxx seconds.
            The valid range is 0-600, with a default of 30.
            Using /t xxx implies the /f option.

How come this server (Windows Server STD 2008 SP2) only allows for a valid range of 0-600 where others allow 0-315360000?

Stupid I know but anyone have any ideas?
Is it something I configured wrong, or are these posts actually reversed? #1 should be #2??
Yep, the Task Scheduler is perfect for this. Just create a new task and have it run shutdown.exe -r -t 0 -f at your specified time.