Show off your website!!

Here's my online portfolio. It was my first attempt at making a site with flash. I wanted it to be as great as possible.
Everything works except i kinda gave up programming the countdown script, it works but i just couldn't get it working right.
The first is no big woop it's from a template that I modified and is for my local car club/race crew the V8-Ninjas (The V8 part of the name is self explanatory, the ninjas part makes no sense but it sounds cool.).

This site is my personal one. I host it on my parents account so I'm kinda boned as far as scripting and space (The other one is hosted here also.). I have to front-ends setup, one for people with slow internet and low resolutions which is basically a frames page. The other is mor bandwidth and graphic intensive. The background changes when I change my background so it looks like my desktop. There is a little "Object Dock" clone at the bottom corner just like my real desktop, that is used for navigation. Each icon opens a fake window (complete with minimize resize and close buttons), the windows are draggable but not pop-ups. It might be gay or whatever but I made it with "Frontpage" and I did the table work in "Dreamweaver", oh and minor editing in "Notepad". So check it out.

PS: I'm just to lazy to make content for some of the pages/icons so only like 4 of them work.

Just me:
Recent stuff: (Work In Progress.) (Bored wishing there was a metal torrent site with a good layout, table needs more contrasting colours.) (Work In Progress.)

Older: (Anything other than winter stylesheet isn't done, can't find any good pics for those seasons.) (Blue looks better than default, never got around to the header.)

Need to markup some of those layouts in XSLT now, switching over to XML for all the content for a CMS in development. As you can see I favour the light colours (blue greys, hi winter!) and minimalism. Doing the XSLT/XHTML/CSS for two dark ones shortly though. I use photoshop for graphics and a text editor for everthing else (edit plus 2 usually).
What are you using ajax for on that website?

My archive search, it will search as you type (starting on the third character) similar to google suggest. Also, my comment system is using ajax, but I am still doing a page refresh on post, so it kind of cancels out the fact I am using it. This will go away eventually when I get time to update my comment javascript.

Although is a blog about my martial arts training, I also use it to play/test out new stuff I learn.
I started this a long time ago, and never finished. I got married, and the amount of freelance I do has been cut waaaaaay down. This was originally intended to be my personal portfolio site. I'll finish it some day, right now it's just a flash animated logo. - In Progress - Personal site for local couple, still some things in progress

Flash Banners / Ads
Thanksgiving #1
Thanksgiving #2
University Advancement
Christmas Card

Full Flash Sites (don't kill me)

Older stuff
Cherokee Area Council of the Boys Scouts - site that won a national award for best website of the Boy Scouts of America. The council had to change the site though due to some staffing/updating problems, so this is the old site hosted on our server. Some parts won't appear correctly because I haven't gone through and changed some of the configuration code.

edit: - And my very basic and outdated portfolio

I started designing and coding the page just 2 days ago. Only one page is up. Tell me what you think. The coding and comments is inconsistant atm, but I'll fix it when I am done tweaking. Please excuse the poor grammer.
jrbryner said: - In Progress - Personal site for local couple, still some things in progress

Flash Banners / Ads
Thanksgiving #1
Thanksgiving #2
University Advancement

Full Flash Sites (don't kill me)

Older stuff
Cherokee Area Council of the Boys Scouts - site that won a national award for best website of the Boy Scouts of America. The council had to change the site though due to some staffing/updating problems, so this is the old site hosted on our server. Some parts won't appear correctly because I haven't gone through and changed some of the configuration code.

All those are great, man! Good work!
Fraternity Website: (Created by Me)
There is a Blog Wiki you can visit to see my insane change logs).

Company Website:

Sadly, nothing is up on that one except a Wiki, and a PHP Groupware program. Me and 3 of my work mates are currently going through all the legal stuff to form a true partnership and get our independent gaming company going. Note, everything is soon to be copyrighted, so if you steal our ideas, I swear to god I'll sue you :D

Personal Website: (Never updated since it was made, so yes, the information concerning me is wrong).