Should I switch back to AMD? Details inside.


Nov 22, 2004
I have the opportunity to switch my current system which is:

P4 Prescott 3.4 @ 3.5 (14X250, cooled with an exos)
DFI Lanparty P875P-T
OCZ EL Platinum rev2 3200 2X512
EVGA 6800 Ultra


A64 3500 Winchester (hopefully oc'd and cooled with an exos)
MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum/SLI
OCZ EL Platinum rev2 3200 2X512
EVGA 6800 Ultra (PciE)

I am worried about giving up a very fast and incredibly stable system. I change the core components (mobo, proc, vid card, mem) of my PC about 3 times a year. I have the opportunity to do so again only this time I'm not sure if I would be really gaining anything besides the ability to go SLI in the future. I'm not real hot on SLI right now because I hear that it does not work very good with widescreen resolutions and I run many games at 1920X1200, the native res of my Samsung 243T. This may be fixed in the future though so I do like the option of doing SLI in the future. What would you do? Please help!
If it was me I would, I like change =) i switched from a 3.4c to a fx55 :D , Besides even if its not as good your gonna change ur hardware soon ( like you said 3 times a year) :D
Yeah, that was my other thought....Will I even have this long enough to add a second 6800 to it? I like change too. Once my PC is stable and working great I know it is time for a change. I think it is a sickness.
i dunno. performance would be similar, maybe a little better with the AMD.
my current system is kinda slow (754 AMD, 2.0Ghz) by hardcore standards, but its SO stable and runs everything perfectly...I hate upgrading to a faster machine only to have little quirks with it....