Should I sel my comp to get a shuttle?


Jan 5, 2006
Im looking at getting the Shuttle XPC sn27p2, but I dont know if I should sell my current computer to help pay for it. There is no way I could afford the shuttle and all the other components without selling my rig, but I want feedback on whether or not I could get $500 for mine the way it is? or could I piece it out for more? Is the sn27p2 any good? I prolly wont OC much, as there isnt much room to cool it very well. but Im looking at getting just a 6600 gfx card until the dx10s come out, and then upgrading. Also, I was looking at getting a x2 4200+ for it. I know it will be faster than my current comp for sure, but is it really worth it? I went to newegg and picked all the components out that I want, and it totalled up to like $820 after shipping. So basically I guess the main 2 questions Im asking is, can I get $500 for my current rig? and What are your opinions, like if you were in my position, what would you do?

ohh yeah forgot to post about that lol.. se my mom has a problem with me taking my computer to friends houses, because she still thinks she owns my computer even though I paid for everything... and she thinks Im going to be playing games all night (which I will be) and shes a bitch and has a problem with it, but if I had a shuttle, it would be much easier to sneak out lol!
First off, disobeying parents is a dumb idea...believe it or not your parents are right more often than you think and in this case you are probably wrong. Do yourself a favor and try harder in school and play less video games :)

With that said, the shuttle is more portable and will provide easy carrying. The other SFFs are good as well and the Silverstone SUGO Pack makes them easy to carry. So for carrying around, SFF is a good choice :)
steeve- I get all a's and b's... so thats not the problem, my mom seriously is a bitch though, she wont even let me hang out with friends. I didnt even do anything to her.

flyboat- I thought shuttle was the highest quality sff around...
Flyboat said:
I read some forums that shuttle has quality problem.

Umm... who doesn't?

SN25P/SN26P have both been rock solid in my experience. Like any motherboard, you may have to tweak settings to get it to work properly, but once you do, no problems.
Yeah, canislupy, thats kind of a given :p
but does any1 think I should sell my comp and get a shuttle? or if it would even be worth it to me? or if I could even get $500 for my computer?
sparky3009 said:
Yeah, canislupy, thats kind of a given :p
but does any1 think I should sell my comp and get a shuttle? or if it would even be worth it to me? or if I could even get $500 for my computer?

Yes you could get 500 for your PC, but you might have to part it out.

And shuttles fucking own lol.
:) word up megadeath. I would part out my comp, but then Ill sell 1 component, and then have no computer until I sell mine, then order the new parts...
thats gonna be like 2 weeks! lol
sell the mobo/case/psu, and get a sn26p
then just stick everything u have left into it, and voila, you have a shuttle!
sparky3009 said:
steeve- I get all a's and b's... so thats not the problem, my mom seriously is a bitch though, she wont even let me hang out with friends. I didnt even do anything to her.

flyboat- I thought shuttle was the highest quality sff around...

You should just be upfront with her and tell her all you are doing is playing on the comp at a friends house, nothing more. I think compared to staying out all night drinking and drugging and/or vandalizing/burglarizing homes or businesses she would much rather you be at a friends playing video games all night.

Sometimes a little honesty goes a long way.

But in regards to your original question, the XPC's are nice to carry around, and they perform just as well as full-size rigs. Try to sell the entire rig first and if you get no serious buyers you either have to lower the price or tear it apart and sell seperately. The main problem with that is like you mentioned, you have no 2nd computer to keep online so you can sell the rest of the parts.
My Shuttle XPC (SS51G) has been great for me for over 4 years... until I added a new graphic card (Radeon 9800 AIW). Apparently the case doesn't handle heat very well since everything is so crammed. You should be OK if you go with low-heat processors like AMD, Pentium M, or Conroe. Just get a graphic card with good cooling.
tantrix, my mom doesnt want me playing games very much, shes just not cool like that.
and dextr, Im looking for sckt AM2, and i have 939 so its a bit more complicated than that lol, but maybe I should go for a sn25p like flo said. You guys are giving me ideas... is that good? lol

Also tantrix, I think its rather funny that you mention vandalism, because I just got caught by the cops 2 nights ago.. but they didnt tell my parents lol...
sparky3009 said:
Also tantrix, I think its rather funny that you mention vandalism, because I just got caught by the cops 2 nights ago.. but they didnt tell my parents lol...

You can't blame her for giving you hell then. I can't count how many times going over to a friend's house with my PC to game all night kept me out of jail during my teens....because of that, my parents didn't have a problem with it since it kept me off the streets.

You say you already have it bad, being caught by the cops doing something dumb is only going to make it worse if she ever finds out.

In regards to the XPC, if you go the x2 4200+ /w a 6600 gpu that should hold you off for a good while. $820 can go a long way these days on a new build.
Ohh f-in right it'll go a long ways, Im thinking of buying he sn25p lol
then just swapping everything over, my friends wants to buy my case/psu
it should work out pretty good