Should I get a 2900 Pro?


Limp Gawd
Aug 24, 2005
I just got an LG 24" display and I'm seeing pretty slow FPS at native 1920 and 1680 resolutions in a lot of games...


Asus A8N-SLI
Athlon 64 X2 4200+
XFX GeForce 7800GTX 256MB
2GB PC3200

The reviews on the 2900 look pretty good and the price seems really reasonable.

My concern is that Nvidia's gonna release the GF9 soon and that's what I really ultimately want. (which I'll get along with mobo/cpu/ram upgrade too) The 2900 would just be a stop gap allowing me to game at native res on this monitor until the real killer 2nd gen DX10 cards come out. Is there any accurate info on how soon the GF9 is actually expected?

maybe november 12th

but wait a little

then if nothing comes up, still wait or Geforce 8800GTX and step up with EVGA.
Buy an Evga GTX

It will run very well at that resolution, and if a better card does come out from nvidia, you can step-up to it.
buy whatever is cheapest, no matter what anyone says, they are all the same.
buy whatever is cheapest, no matter what anyone says, they are all the same.

Support is the difference. There is a reason that MSI and Leadtek are the cheapest, they have the worst support.

Evga and XFX have the best warranty, Evga has step-up while XFX lets you transfer the warranty to someone else. BFG also has lifetime warranty but not as many options.
Eh, I guess if it really could be as soon as a month from now for the new stuff I can wait...