Should I do this or wait???


Aug 21, 2004
I am about to pull the trigger on a Q6600 from Newegg...but I'm wondering if I should wait for the next price drops. Not really sure what to do. I've never spent this much for a processor, so that is my hesitation to be honest.
Sounds more like a personal thing. I would wait for it it is not a bad processor really. If I would have to choose between doing that I would probably wait or continue to save up for the Quad core. But it is almost 2 times as much. You could look around see if there are any deals anywhere else I will keep my eye out for it for you. I will let you know if I find anything. But I would probably continue to wait if you want it that much. If you want it just because might as well get something you want more. (my opinion on the last part there) . Just kind of what you want. I did hear it was kind of slow for the price though but it also has great reviews it is probably not worth the money quite yet to me.
Sounds like you have some money burning a hole in your pocket :D I would wait it out since you have a decent system , say no to impulse shopping
Sounds like you have some money burning a hole in your pocket :D I would wait it out since you have a decent system , say no to impulse shopping

You are probably right about the impulse thing. I just think that four cores would be great for audio and folding...but I'll wait until the price drops.
You are probably right about the impulse thing. I just think that four cores would be great for audio and folding...but I'll wait until the price drops.

It will be better for encoding AND folding, twice as much so in folding (2 extra instances of folding :D )

BUT thats about all it's going to do ya, the higher clock speeds from a e6600 or a nicly overclocked e6420 would net you more preformance in todays games and all other applications OTHER than the folding and the audio encoding.

You could even buy a e6600 now for 232, then when the Quad cores drop later on, you could nab one of them for ~250ish and have 3 CPUs for the same price!!! :eek:
+1 on waiting. If the wait was for it to drop $100 in 6 months than buying now would be fine, but its going to be half as much in only a few months so definitely wait.
I am about to pull the trigger on a Q6600 from Newegg...but I'm wondering if I should wait for the next price drops. Not really sure what to do. I've never spent this much for a processor, so that is my hesitation to be honest.

so what kind of stuff are you doing with your computer, dude? For example, I like to play games and whatnot, but I also dabble a bit in Photoshop and spend a lot of time encoding audio and video. So, while it would be nice for me to upgrade from what I currently have, I don't really think I'd see a net benefit for the amount of time I spend doing what I do. When the 45nm stuff comes out, the current prices are going to drop like a rock, so honestly it's something I personally can wait for. Over time, I've learned to be more content with the computer equipment that I have, contrary as it may be to the overall atmosphere here at [H] :D
Just a side-note, are you from California? That's what makes me hesitate the most because of freakin' taxes!! argh Newegg, why can't you be based in Nevada or Oregon or something??
I do not play games at all. All it would be is basic office use, folding and mutli-track audio with Reaper. And the typical burning CD's and stuff like that.
Hahaha. I just see it funny that people have this need to upgrade, upgrade, upgrade, until they have no money left. I mean, look at my current setup now. A P4 3.2ghz. A freaking P4. That's like 2 generations behind, and I'm still happy with it.
I personally say to "wait". Save your money for something like a Penryn CPU when they come out, or maybe for a nice video card. Who knows. But don't waste your money.

Also, can someone explain the whole Folding deal? and why would a person just buy a pc and leave it 24/7 just for folding? hmmm:confused:
Hahaha. I just see it funny that people have this need to upgrade, upgrade, upgrade, until they have no money left. I mean, look at my current setup now. A P4 3.2ghz. A freaking P4. That's like 2 generations behind, and I'm still happy with it.
I personally say to "wait". Save your money for something like a Penryn CPU when they come out, or maybe for a nice video card. Who knows. But don't waste your money.

Also, can someone explain the whole Folding deal? and why would a person just buy a pc and leave it 24/7 just for folding? hmmm:confused:

You already have a Core 2 duo at 2.8Ghz..... you're not going to be blown away by another 2 cores really.

I still have my Athlon64 3200+ Desktop and a P4C-M 2.4Ghz Laptop

As a general rule, whenever you're so torn up about buying something that you're forced to ask others whether to buy it or not.... you simply do not need it that badly and should not buy it
I'm not really torn up to be honest. I would rather just put the money into my IRA or something like that. I'll buy a quad core after the price drops below $300. Then I will use my e6300 to build a backup machine for work. I've just never paid more than $400 for a processor and I don't want to start now. Normally my limit for a processor is $200, but quad core would be worth the extra for working with audio and folding. I am currently in the top 100 in folding and would like to stay there.
Yeah, I get you. And that is good that you are not willing to spend more than $200 in a CPU since that is a good limit. But who knows, by the time the Q6600 drops to $300, maybe something a lot better is out. Who knows.

And about the Folding. Can you explain it to me? I've been reading and supposedly you just do some tasks with your pc, and then send results to some type of database, server, or something. Then, they use that information for research purposes, like information about cancer and stuff like that...right?
Sorry for not been specific, and giving ignorant comments, but is just that I don't get it. And what I don't get even more, why do people are so obsessed with it? I don't see the fun in leaving your pc on 24/7 raising your electricity bill and taking away your pc's lifespan without even using it.
I wouldn't even be considering a Q6600 at the moment. Next quarter they will drop to ~$266 MSRP. Then Penryn will be coming up early next year which will offer even more performance. Then late next year will be Nehalem which will be a stifling blow to AMD unless AMD comes up with something really awesome before then. Nehalem is said to be an octo core processor with very likely an integrated memory controller which will be Intel's first processor with an integrated MC.
Yeah, I read the exact same article even before asking the question. But, are people really folding for the sake of saving other people's life, and contributing to scientific research OR just for bragging purposes and show that their PC is faster?

I fold for two reasons.....the first one is that I think it is for a good cause. The second is that I like the competition and being part of the #1 team. I personally don't mind a little bump in my electricity bill, and I've never had a machine die early due to folding to be honest. I don't keep machines longer than about 2 years anyway to be honest. I just upgrade and then sell the old one or give it away to someone who needs it. I personally don't mind keeping my PC on 24/7 either.
I don't keep machines er than about 2 years anyway to be honest. I just upgrade and then sell the old one or give it away to someone who needs it. I personally don't mind keeping my PC on 24/7 either.

You should be folding with that machine instead of selling it lol...... I used to fold when it first came out but that was a long time ago.....
I fold for two reasons.....the first one is that I think it is for a good cause. The second is that I like the competition and being part of the #1 team. I personally don't mind a little bump in my electricity bill, and I've never had a machine die early due to folding to be honest. I don't keep machines longer than about 2 years anyway to be honest. I just upgrade and then sell the old one or give it away to someone who needs it. I personally don't mind keeping my PC on 24/7 either.

I say wait a few months on that q6600....that way I'll gain a few points on you :D

Personally I'm waiting for the q3 price cuts for the quad.....then full fold on!
