Should I buy this 9800 or not?


Jul 15, 2004
101 current videocard is the onboard video of my Epox 8RGA+ mobo. Its basically a GeForce 4 MX and probably won't run Doom or HL2 very adequately. I went to New Egg to check on prices of 9700s when I saw this deal. A 9800 < $200 seems like a good buy, but I wanted to get some feedback before purchasing it.

Should I buy it or hold out for something better? Keep in mind that $200 is pretty much my ceiling for videocards.
With a $200 limit a 9800pro is the way to go. Its unlikely we'll see the 6800/x800s come down in price to that range within the next year. A 9800 pro is still an excellent card and at 200$ is a good value in my opinion.
Great deal. Folks will come in here and say "plop down $100 more and get a 6800GT!" Well don't listen if your budget is $200. That 9800Pro will not disappoint. Even in FarCry my 9800Pro didn't let me down.
ShowMeThe$$$$$$ said:
Great deal. Folks will come in here and say "plop down $100 more and get a 6800GT!" Well don't listen if your budget is $200. That 9800Pro will not disappoint. Even in FarCry my 9800Pro didn't let me down.
I've heard there are different flavors of the 9800. Is this a decent one, or am I getting shortchanged?
What kind of fps can you get in BF1942/DC/Vietnam at 1280x1024 (no aa or af)...what about Far Cry at 1024x768 (no aa or af)? Playable I assume?
limecat said:
I've heard there are different flavors of the 9800. Is this a decent one, or am I getting shortchanged?

Yeah, there is a 256-bit 256 MB version, a 256-bit 128 MB version, and a 128-bit 128 MB version that Saphire put out. The 256 MB one has the r360 GPU so you can mod it into a 9800 XT, but you probably want the good old 256-bit 128 MB version. It's pretty cheap and performs really well.

I looked at your link, yes that's the one you want.