ShopBLT's core 2 duo

burningrave101 said:
They keep resetting the number pre-ordered in their real-time availability checker. Its back to zero now.

its done that forever, don't worry about it
If you notice, every night the pre-order number returns. I doubt they receive hundreds of pre-order each day. If you check at night that is probably the actual number of people that have pre-ordered. It seems that each day the number increases by a few, so it leads me to believe that the number we see is actually the total number of pre-order. In the various e-mails that users received on their queue, it is always X / 1XX. So for some reason that number only appears during the evening hours. This is just my observation.
Wall7486 said:
If you notice, every night the pre-order number returns. I doubt they receive hundreds of pre-order each day. If you check at night that is probably the actual number of people that have pre-ordered. It seems that each day the number increases by a few, so it leads me to believe that the number we see is actually the total number of pre-order. In the various e-mails that users received on their queue, it is always X / 1XX. So for some reason that number only appears during the evening hours. This is just my observation.

that is what it is lol, the numbers are how many preorders they have from each facility
Striph said:
Have a pre-order through Tankguys at 350 + 15 shipping (sadface) but i just bit on the BLT price and have an order in at 320 + 7 shipping. I'll take both and make a 2nd machine for something, I'm sure I can find a reason to build a 2nd comp. :D

i have a preorder with tank guys as well but it was @333 i noticed the price had gone up since the first week of preorders.
OK guys...Finally got my 6600. We had major problems installing windows, but we were using "quick format" on my 74GB Raptor. I have given it to a friend for to fix/benchmark, and it worked with a full format. Seems to be the fault of my Raptor (we changed out memory, mobo, optical drive, etc, but nothing worked). I am going to give him a 36gb raptor tomarrow, and a 250 sata 2 wd, just in case. I'm a bit too tired, but in Page 2 of this thread (LINK : ) are the details. Not too much info atm, but he got it to 3.6 on air (only tried for a 1/2 hour on OCZ 5-5-5-12) by raising the vcore to 1.5. It was stable at 3.2 with no voltage increase. Super PI at 3.5 I think was 15 secs. Not too shabby :) He is tired and has to work tomorrow (as do I), so he will start benching tomarrow evening...