Shipping P180 PC in the original case box?


Limp Gawd
Oct 11, 2005
Just curious if anyone has shipped their PC in a P180 case in the original case box. I need to ship my PC and the only box I have right now is the box the case came in. Obviously the box is fine for the case alone but the case is a hell of a lot heavier with all the PC guts in it. See my sig for specs.

What I'm particularly worried about is the HSF - if the case box suffers some kind of harsh impact, I'm worried the weight of the HSF could damage the mobo.

I do plan on shipping via 2nd day air if that helps but I'm still not entirely comfortable with just the case box.


1) Are you shipping this to yourself?
2) If not, is the person familiar with computer components? Can he/she put things back in if needed?
3) If so, take out all expansion cards, hard drives, and tower heatsinks and pack them seperately as they will be the most likely to get thrashed around. Also, fill the case with anti-static materials to keep the rest of the components safe.
1) Yes
2) Yes

Good idea.

I'm not sure what you have in mind when you say fill the case with anti-static materials? All I'm picturing is foam peanuts and they're not anti-static and I wouldn't fill a case with them.

If I remove the video/sound cards, CPU HSF and maybe the drives, that really doesn't leave anything in the case other than mobo/PSU which aren't moving unless they manage to poke a hole through my box with a forklift or something.

Maybe if it survives (shipping it first of June) I'll post a reply to my own thread with a PC trip report here haha. :)

Edit: Related note - anyone know if I can carry a bag with hard drives, video and sound card, etc through airport security? That stuff is small enough to carry on a plane - if they'd let me.
i would imagine its ok as long as you mark which way is up. Dell/HP, etc ships PCs all the time. As long as the motherboard end is facing down, you should be ok.
you should be fine shipping it "as is" as long nothing is loose.

my brother just bought a comp from ABS and they shipped it through UPS. it was pack in 2 boxes.

so i would ship it in the original box and line the box with more cardboard thats alil thicker.