sharing tv tuner over 2 computers possible?


Oct 18, 2003
i have an ati all in wonder 9800 pro on one computer and i was wondering if i could somehow stream or watch tv on my sisters computer? is that possible?
ATI's multimedia center has this functionality built into it. Just need to setup the MMC software as the server.. then install it on your sister's computer.. only catch is that she's got to have a Radeon too.. and you'll be able to tunnel it over the network.

Other options include BTV + BTV Link or Sage + Sage Client
Schro said:
ATI's multimedia center has this functionality built into it. Just need to setup the MMC software as the server.. then install it on your sister's computer.. only catch is that she's got to have a Radeon too.. and you'll be able to tunnel it over the network.

Other options include BTV + BTV Link or Sage + Sage Client
But Orb is free...

If she has a Radeon, then you might as well try mmc first, but if not, definitely give orb a try.