sharing files with friends...


Limp Gawd
Mar 24, 2005
i'm looking for software that will let a few friends connect with eachother by sharing folders...something that will allow me to view my friend jason's folder(s) and select something to download. I've seen a few pieces of software that claim to do this, but then they turn out to ultimate just be a server where everyone can upload things. That's pretty inefficient, I want something that will transfer directly from computer to computer.

I'd be nice to just 'say' I want to browse jason's shared folders, then i get to see them...almost like as if they were folders on my own computer. sort of like a virtual workgroup or lan. What software can do this?
What do you mean, just FTP to eachother? My girlfriend is the type that can click buttons with simple instructions, but she isn't going to be typing in any addresses. If you look at the program "Grouper", it seems to be exactly what I want, except it blocks mp3 transfers.
why not just xfer thru AIM?
or thru irc if you're up to the challenge of coaching your girlfriend...
I'm trying to find a way to replace that, I'm looking for file sharing, because I'm not always around to accept or send a file to someone, even if my computer is on. Others that would be in the 'network' would be in the same situation.

Theres no way to make a virtual LAN just as if the computers were connected in workgroup? I can click on my network places and see the shared folders of other computers in my house... The capabilities are there, it seems so obvious, I would have a hard time believing there isn't an easy way to do it.