Sharing a USB printer

Silent Assasin

Aug 1, 2004
Well my sister is finally off to collage, but now she needs to know how to share a printer. Her roomate happened to buy a USB printer. The University tells them not to use routers, but there is really no way for them to find out..... But it would be nice to know if there is a way to share a USB printer with 2 computers without a router..... I've done a small search, but haven't found anything that will split a single USB plug into two, so that it can pe plugged into mulitple computers.

Does anyone know of a way to connect a USB printer into two different computers?
If they are on the same subnet within the school, then they may able to have one computer host the printer then the other one access it over the network via simple windows sharing.
At the university there is no way to network just 2 computers. The dorm is connected the the giant dual T3 university wide connection. All facilty, students, and some specific places such as Starbucks (with wireless conection) are all connected to this same network. It is imposible to connect just 2 computers without some sort of static-IP, which is also not allowed. The way the University has this set up is so that the technitions can connect to a computer remotely to fix it. They do not allow you to use static-IP, cloned MAC addresses, routers, or any form of firewall. They can't have any obstruction between the master network and the personal computer.

The main reason for not allowing routers is because of two guys that took up almost 5% of the network resources with 20 computers hooked up in their dorm room connection!!!!! I have no idea what they were doing but to take up 5% of a dual T3 musta taken alot....
Silent Assasin said:
At the university there is no way to network just 2 computers. The dorm is connected the the giant dual T3 university wide connection. All facilty, students, and some specific places such as Starbucks (with wireless conection) are all connected to this same network. It is imposible to connect just 2 computers without some sort of static-IP, which is also not allowed. The way the University has this set up is so that the technitions can connect to a computer remotely to fix it. They do not allow you to use static-IP, cloned MAC addresses, routers, or any form of firewall. They can't have any obstruction between the master network and the personal computer.

The main reason for not allowing routers is because of two guys that took up almost 5% of the network resources with 20 computers hooked up in their dorm room connection!!!!! I have no idea what they were doing but to take up 5% of a dual T3 musta taken alot....

HaHa that would be me. I would have a full rack in my dorm room =P