Share a wireless printer on a network with wired pcs?


Limp Gawd
Jul 11, 2006
I have a Epson WF-2540 printer. It is connected to my WIFI network. I installed the drivers on my laptop and I can print wireless without problems. The issue I have is that there is also 2 wired computers connected to the same router. How do I go about setting this up?

The laptop has windows 7 home.

The two wired computers have windows 7 home and windows xp enterprise

tried setting up the drivers on other pc but it seems like the epson software wants the wifi connection to be used instead of wired.

Any suggestions?
So you hard wired the printer to the Router and set the printers IP's to static? Once that's done the wired Windows 7 PC should just have to go to Devices and Printers and then Add Printer>Add a network printer and it should pick it right up.

Might be slightly different for Windows XP. Its been awhile since I've used XP, but generally should be very similar.
You connect the printer to your router via wireless, then you install the drivers on all the computers you wish to use it on and/or just use Windows 7's "Find a printer" guide to search for printers on the network and it will find them. I have an Epson WF-3540. Was a piece of cake to set it up on all my wired computers (and my phone)