Setting up crossover cable in Win 7 for LAN gaming


Oct 19, 2004
I'm looking for some help in getting 2 computers connected using a crossover cable for some co-op Borderlands action. Both rigs are running Windows 7 x64.

Any advice in configuring the network settings in Windows 7 would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
manually set IP's on each computer, connect cable, done.

why not get a switch, or do you have a router already?




gateway and dns you don't need but if it complains just put in

make the 2nd computer IP
These days I wouldn't mess with cross over cables to be honest, $40 will get you a router with a switch built in, no messing with setting static ip addresses, DHCP is all there.
Thanks for the help, I will try the static IPs with the cable tomorrow.

I do have a wireless router already, but it is downstairs where the cable internet jack is in my apartment and the computers are upstairs. I just need to connect 2 computers at the moment so the crossover cable seemed like the cheapest solution.
If your computer hardware was made within the past 7-8 years, chances are it has gigabit NICs onboard. You don't need crossover cables with gigabit NICs or switches, as part of the standard is auto MDI-X.
if you do however want to get crossover cables, they have them on newegg for like 2.99
If you are using Windows Firewall or any other type of software firewall, I believe you are going to need to create exceptions for the following ports in order to be able to see and join games. I have never played Borderlands on a LAN, only online... Good luck, getting this game to work online was a huge pain in the ass.. hopefully the LAN is easier.

7777 (TCP/UDP)
28900 (TCP)
27900 (UDP)
28910 (TCP)
If you are using Windows Firewall or any other type of software firewall, I believe you are going to need to create exceptions for the following ports in order to be able to see and join games. I have never played Borderlands on a LAN, only online... Good luck, getting this game to work online was a huge pain in the ass.. hopefully the LAN is easier.

7777 (TCP/UDP)
28900 (TCP)
27900 (UDP)
28910 (TCP)

Thanks, this will come in handy.

Maybe he can find one from monster cable.

Hehe, before the speculation gets out of hand, I purchased a crossover cable a while back for around $5 shipped on ebay. I did not know about the auto MDI-X standard for gigabit NICs though but I needed a long cable anyway. Thanks again all.
if your just connecting 2 computers just disable windows firewall on both systems to save headaches.
if your just connecting 2 computers just disable windows firewall on both systems to save headaches.

Both computers also have wireless connections to the internet so I'd like to leave the firewall on as long as the game can work through it.

By the way, are there any security issues with creating port exceptions for the game? I am using the built in firewall in Windows 7. Thanks again and sorry for my lack of networking skills.
windows should be smart enough to as you what type of network you are connecting to when you plug the cable in. just select private and it should let it thru the firewall.
Both computers also have wireless connections to the internet so I'd like to leave the firewall on as long as the game can work through it.

By the way, are there any security issues with creating port exceptions for the game? I am using the built in firewall in Windows 7. Thanks again and sorry for my lack of networking skills.

why do you need a crossover cable when both computers are already connected to a router?
why do you need a crossover cable when both computers are already connected to a router?

The wireless connection tends to be unreliable for gaming, especially when my neighbors use their microwave.

After manually setting IP addresses, I am having some issues getting this to work. The problem is Windows keeps identifying the crossover connection as an "Unidentified Public Network" and won't let me change the connection status to home. Any thoughts on how to change the network setting to home?

By the way, should the DNS and Gateway be set to the same address for both computers? Thanks again.
The wireless connection tends to be unreliable for gaming, especially when my neighbors use their microwave.

After manually setting IP addresses, I am having some issues getting this to work. The problem is Windows keeps identifying the crossover connection as an "Unidentified Public Network" and won't let me change the connection status to home. Any thoughts on how to change the network setting to home?

By the way, should the DNS and Gateway be set to the same address for both computers? Thanks again.

did you turn the windows firewall off ? like suggested above ? you don't really need it on if you are behind a firewall/router.
a router or NAT isnt a replacement for a firewall, software or otherwise. its better then being completely open to the internet but not much else. you can however turn off the firewall for a specific ethernet port, which you do by right clicking on the adapter, properties, advanced tab, firewall settings, select off.

should the DNS and Gateway be set to the same address for both computers? Thanks again.
gateway should be the static address of the computer you are connecting to, and DNS can be blank i believe.
a router or NAT isnt a replacement for a firewall, software or otherwise. .

It IS a firewall, yes it's just a basic one way firewall..but that's the most important part...the fact that it blocks, by default, all 65,000+ inbound ports. If someone wants a 3rd party bidirectional naggy software firewall..that's their decision. But blocking all unknown inbound traffic via hardware NAT is rule #1 in my book, I will not support a client otherwise..even just a single PC home user.
Update: finally got it working! The problem was I didn't have the gateway setup correctly. Now I am able to set the crossover connection as a home network. I can get a LAN game going no problem if I have the Windows firewall turned off. Now I am trying to get the right ports open so I can leave the firewall on.

Am I correct in assuming that "7777 (TCP/UDP)" refers to the port needing to be opened for both TCP and UDP? Thanks again.
You could try using a wireless router & switch thats DD-WRT capable. After it's flashed with DD-WRT it can act as an wireless access point & switch connecting to your current wireless...

It's what I am doing currently.
Just wanted to post an update for future reference since I was able to get everything working. Both rigs are running Windows 7 x64.

Rig 1
IP Address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:

Rig 2
IP Address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:

Setup the crossover connection as a home network. Then, setup the Windows 7 firewall using the directions in this guide:

Not sure if this is the best way to get through the windows firewall, but it works. Thanks again to everyone who posted in this thread. I appreciate it.
Just another thought if either of the machine has a gig ethernet port its most likely auto mdix and a you can just use a straight thru cable.
Shouldn't need a default gateway, but okay.

For some reason I couldn't set up the network properly when leaving gateway blank, windows would default to "unidentified public network". Manually specifying the gateway seemed to take care of that problem.