Server OS for Raspberry Pi


Sep 15, 2004
I bought some more Raspberry Pi's to replace a few of my Linux servers with. Mainly for power and space reasons. I have been looking for a trimed down OS like Ubuntu Server but it seems the port doesn't work on the B+ model. Any suggestions for what to use?
Just use Raspbian Lite and install whatever packages you need from the terminal.

Also you need to turn on Flow Control on whatever port the 3 B+ is plugged into or you will have connection issues when moving large amounts of data. Or you can use a USB NIC with the RTL8153 chipset.
Side note: You won’t get anything over ~20MB/sec transferring data from an external drive over the network connection, they both share a USB 2.0 bus. This works great for my uses however I don’t need fast transfer internally. I can still stream 1080P 60 video from it just fine though.
Any file transfers will be from the SD card to a NAS on the same switch. The machine that is currenly running is an older A64 and it is slow as all get out. I am going to gut the thing and replace with better hardware, but it will be handling new tasks. I don't have anymore space for another 2u in the rack. I can velcro the Pi somewhere in the rack and call it a day.
You could try one of the BSD's (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD). I don't remember what is/isn't working with OpenBSD on the Pi yet, but I think NetBSD and FreeBSD are both well supported on them.
Raspirian is your best bet as mentioned above and apt-get the packages you need.
rasperian has x but so what, just ssh to it. It's pretty light.
An eligant solution is to run raspi-config and set the default boot to console.