Server 2011 SBS


Fully [H]
May 15, 2006
I am looking to build a SBS 2011 Standard machine to be my everything server at home. I don't have a lot of users, but I want to run Sharepoint, file server, DNS, AD, DHCP and VPN.

The minimum specs are here:
It says that a quad core is minimum. I've had Server 2008 run under a dual core processor, and was wondering if anyone has a SBS2011 Standard running under a dual core? I don't have a spare quad to throw in there, and if I get CPU limited after setting it up I could always upgrade... I have spare parts to build it, but I thought I'd ask before putting it all together. If it won't work, I might as well wait on it. I have a spare 1155 board I may end up using, just no CPU. Should I wait 6 months to use a quad 1155 or just build the dual 775 (Core2Duo)? It will have 16 GB of DDR3 RAM, so I should be good there.
I have SBS Essentials 2011 on a quad core. I heard that if it won't install on a dual-core (ie. it complains and refuses to install), you can go in and make a unattended .ini file and set a line that ignores the actual install REQ's (CPU, RAM, hard drive). People have been doing that with Home Server/Home Server 2011 on SSD's that were < the REQ size.

Try for info on Home Server/Home Server 2011/SBS 2011, they got articles and forums that will show you how to setup that unattended .ini file.

EDIT: Just did a few searches on MS' website, it seems people have been able to install it on a dual core with no .ini fiddling or anything. Might be slooooooooooow, but should work.
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I wish I could help you on the Dual core question, I run SBS 2011 Standard myself. But I run it on a Quad Core with 12 GB of RAM and 10TB usable in a RAID 5 array. It's covered my needs very well and is even enough to run a couple of VM's including WHS that I use to back up my PCs.

Be prepared for a few gotcha's after the install. Some of the patches and service packs mess things up a bit, but are relatively easy to set right with a little online search help. Sharepoint will need a command line upgrade after a service pack.

I got a domain name from Godaddy and an SSL certificate. It was all pretty easy to set up.

I love having my own Exchange server. Full Outlook support and an outstanding web mail client.
I'll check it out with a dual core and see how it goes. If it is underpowered, I'll pay the extra cash for a quad i7.

Thanks for the answers, guys. :)
I have 2011 Essentials running on a Atom D525. It installed and runs just fine. It's not as fast as a real server, but it runs decent. Enough for home usage for a few people.
Essentials is a lot easier to run than Standard is. It doesn't have the SQL, Exchange, Sharepoint ETC. Essentials is designed like WHS, except with plug ins for hosted services rather than running the full blown software, so the requirements are a lot less.
Installed SBS standard on a ESXI host 1 cpu and 7 gb of ram with out a prob.