Serious Sam 3: BFE Box Art

What makes you think three is going to be better than two...aside from it being the magic number?
The fact that they started off by remaking FE & SE on the new engine gives me hope that they're shooting for something closer to the originals. And the fact that they didn't fuck it up gives me hope that they're going to hit their mark.

I have been playing the HD remakes of the first 2 lately and I gotta say, the engine looks a tad ddated aready. I hope they polish it up for SS3, or people will start crying about graphics like they did with DNF.
Engine is fine, IMO. It's just the assets holding the remakes back. A lot of the textures, geometry, models and animations are straight out of the originals. And even the ones they've redone aren't terribly detailed (keeping it small enough for XBLA, I'd guess).