Serious ISP issues....


Limp Gawd
Jun 28, 2002
Hey guys,

Just moved and signed up with Time Warner's Road Runner service in my area. It was great for the first two weeks or so - Now, however is a much different story.

The issues:
When gaming online, I lag out for 20 seconds or so - sometimes every other minute, sometimes once every ten minutes, all in all it's completely unplayable and unenjoyable.

When listening to any streaming radio, it does the same thing, often I will have to restart the stream - very annoying.

As far as just browsing, I get a lot of dns resolution errors, usually for about 20 seconds or so as above... if I wait then attempt to go wherever I was going originally, it pops up like normal.

What I've attempted on my end:

I've removed my linksys router from the equation, and tried it directly hooked up with no firewall/av software, just plain - still does it.

I've tried a new NIC - still does it

I've re-installed win2k - still does it.... (also - the gf's computer is running XP, and has the same issues)

I've rebooted the router/modem numerous times each, all to no avail.

I've tried running tracerts, but since it only lasts a few seconds, the tracerts come back fine.....

When I contacted RR, they simply responded that they ran a test on my line and that they saw nothing out of the ordinary.... I've emailed them several times without a response yet, granted it is the weekend, so we'll see what happens on that end.

I'm completely stumped and getting miffed... Are there any diagnostic or logging utilities that I can run that might give me a bit more info (ammo) to show the people at RR?

Any other suggestions/ideas are more than welcome

Wanted to also mention that this is a wired setup only, no wireless in use, already had someone ask me that.

Also, seems to happen at any time of the day, be it 12 noon or 3 am, and always at varying frequencies.

Otherwise that's about it.
What are your pings? What does speed tests say? What does Docter Ping say? If these tests show that your really having a major problem, then print them out and physically bring it to RR and shove it down their asses. Or take a screenie and email it to them or call them and tell them
yes - I too would agree to go to broadband reports and get some speed tests done there. has a great speed test to...LINK

Give that a shot.

Since you tried a drectly connect with no AV and no firewall and still had the issue, it may be a bad modem or you may be on a splitter.

I had a simular issue when I had 3 lines ran through the same splitter.

The issue seems to be hardware related either the modem or on roadrunners end.
its most liekly a faulty modem

give em a call, and ask for level two... then once you get to level two explain the situation and ask for autoriztion for level 3, once there (where the people who know what they are doing live, and dont read off of a prompt) explain the situation and get some shit resolved

sigh... i do know what i'm talking about...

what modem do you have
My pings have been very good and continue to be, except for those 20 second "issues" where everything just dies.

Went ahead and did the speed tests:

Your download speed : 2698620 bps, or 2635 kbps.
A 329.4 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 360960 bps, or 352 kbps.

They've been fine as well, except again for those 20 second "lagouts?"

I actually usually up and down a bit faster than that, almost 400kb's, except it'll drop off for 20 seconds, then pick back up, drop off again for 20, then resume again... getting annoying.

I've run adaware/spybot also, I'm really starting to suspect the modem itself.

They gave me a Toshiba PCX2600

Anyone know if this modem has any logging capabilities included in it, kinda like the motorola surfboards??

Thx so far guys, gonna call here in a bit
That is pretty much a standard modem they issue for home service.
I recommend you demand a new modem so they can just schedule a appointment for a replacement modem. I am hoping that will close the gap on narrowing the issue and then make your lag go away....lag is evil!
I've done some googling, and come to the conclusion, this modem sucks.....

I can't run docsdiag on it, and it automatically disables the built in diagnostics pages ( on this modem).

How gay.......
Just ask them for a new model modem - If its that are cancel RR and get DSL - I am sure you will get what you want or get rid of piss poor customer service.

Good Luck (you'll need it with that hold music)