serious career blessing/problem

big daddy fatsacks said:
no takers on the job? PM me if interested.
I am interested, but not close enough to you for commuting.

That is pretty close to what I was/am looking for. However, there are still a few skills I lack in the list, and maybe a couple that I am not highly skilled on. Fast learner/pickeruper though.

Best of luck in your new position and finding a replacement :)
big daddy fatsacks said:
i don't know how you people handle your careers, but to all the people suggesting "to hell with them" it's a bit ridiculous. as masher pointed out, being fired and being given a severance when being laid off are 2 different things.

i know there are some young people just getting started in their careers here so i'll offer some advice. there seems to be an attitude among some respondents that "they wouldn't do the same for me so i should just stick it to them." but the flaw in that logic is that i'm only "sticking it" to one person by leaving without giving decent notice- myself. i'm the one who is taking all the hard work i've put in over the past 2 years which got me to the point where these people think i'm a great employee and are sad to see me go, and i'm flushing that down the toilet.

now, there is a lot of "well you got a new and better job so who cares. you have no need for these people anymore." that is not a good way to look at your career in the long term. statistically speaking i am unlikely to retire with the new company given that i'm only 29. this means i'm going to be getting a new job someday and i'll need people at my back saying we worked with this guy and he was the man. i would hire him in a second. his farts smell like roses, and his balls are huge. so it is always good to remain on good footing with people you work for.

and it's not for their sake. it's for your own. in any case, most of you were right in saying that no one should really require you leave your current employer short like that. and this new company didn't make me do that in the end.

now, on the being 2 days off thing. you are probably right about that mobiux. they probably shouldn't care . . . if the situation were different. in a larger outfit my presence would not have such an impact. i'd be just one cog in the machine and it would continue functioning at a marginally lower efficiency without me. but in this case i'm the whole damn machine, not just a cog. without me they have absolutely nothing. email goes down on the day i leave and there is no one here that is going to be able to bring it back up.

in any case i think there are 2 things to take from this situation:
1) if you are put in this spot and you want the job then say this is great. i accept the job. now let's see if we can't do something about pushing my start date back by a week so i can give my employer the customary 2 weeks notice. any reasonable employer will give this to you.
2) if the people do not allow you the 2 weeks then you should be suspiscious of the company, and ask yourself if you really want to work for a place that treats people like this.

Well put big. I quoted the whole thing so that maybe more people take notice. Sorry for making people scroll down a bunch. I feel that more people need to understand this. Maybe you dont like your boss and now that your leaving for a new job you would like to "Put him in his place". It would be better just to smile and nod and leave peacfully in the hope that maybe one day he will ive you a good recomendation. Parting ways with a former employer on a bad note is like shooting yourself in the foot unless they treated you with absolute disrespect, or if you are retiring.
metallicafan said:
Parting ways with a former employer on a bad note is like shooting yourself in the foot unless they treated you with absolute disrespect, or if you are retiring.

Agreed. Many people don't consider that most of us plan on working in the business for decades. Think about that for a minute. Now consider how many different jobs you'll have over that period of time and the odds are that you will run across these same people more than once in your career.