Serial Swatter Charged With Involuntary Manslaughter

There is an interesting conversation to be had here though. We know from various studies that there is a genetic component involved with being inclined to disregard societal rules.

Since there is a "crime gene", maybe forced sterilization for anyone who is incarcerated wouldn't be such a bad idea...

Or genetic alteration to remove the gene or reduce its effectiveness with medication/training?
Actual murderers? You mean the police?

The police are the victims of this crime as well. Whenever you have stressful situations with people pointing guns at other people and expecting that they are armed criminals, mistakes will eventually happen, even when those holding the guns are the best of the best professionals. Someone will move unexpectedly, startling someone else, and a gun goes off.

This was bound to happen sooner or later with these swattings, and it doesn't speak at all to the motives, training or professionalism of the swat team in question. Police are humans too, and can not be expected to have a perfect track record during these responses, regardless of how well trained or idealistic they may be. They were doing their job, responding to a reported hostage situation, and I am sure they feel absolutely awful about what happened.

It's the person who made the false report who caused the dangerous situation to occur in the first place. He is entirely at fault here.

In this incident, it was both of their fault. The cops who shot him were jumpy and killed an unarmed civilian. It doesn't matter if that was a real situation, they should have never shot. You make a bunch of excuses, but the fact is an unarmed civilian was killed by an armed cop. This isn't the first time it's happened and it won't be the last. The cops are just as culpable in a situation like this.