Serial Experiements Lain Case

CrimandEvil said:
I got them from Performance, I'd be willing to sell you some if you want, $.65 each. :)

hmmm... best get them from performance pc.
i'm gonna do a folding boxen someday when i actually have some $$$ (~$200 in the account right now) and it's gonna be at least summer vacation (may) before i get around to building a comp... or before the Supreme Mistress of the Universe and Associated Stuff aka Mother lets me. pffft.

then again... i do have this full tower i'm trying to get rid of... if i can't sell it i'll mod it... best check with the Supreme Mistress before i commit... got burned (by her) last time i didn't.
Small update to prove that I haven't quit :) part 1

I plan on modding my MX 700 so I started by removing the annoying logo.


Now I have to get some paint and fill the hole with Bondo. I can leave the black part black and paint the silver part, I'm thinking of using some Mirage paint.
Small update to prove that I haven't quit part 2

Just playing around and figuring out how I want the power box to look like, thinking of doing something like "silkscreening" the Lain logo on the metal. Anyways heres a mockup:


Dude, I hate you. I really really do (no I don't). I was also toying with the idea of painting my mx700, haha. I like the power box idea. I was thinking of that when I first saw the modular PSUs, but I think I may be too lazy to do something like that. can't wait to see how yours turns out.

keep us posted (reminds me, I've had a couple small updates that I did a while ago and have yet to post). hurry up on that PSU :)
LOL, if mine turns out well I'm thinking of offering to do other people's PSU. So far I love how it looks, just have to get the remaining molex and wire and finish it off.

I have to get some sand paper and lap that cover plate, make it all nice and shiny. :D
CrimandEvil said:
I got them from Performance

I bought the five pounds of misc wire and connectors from them and got a whole crap pile of good stuff. Lots of the right gauge wire, color coded of course. :) A bunch of black female molex connectors and six male molex connectors, ha ha. :D Helluva deal for $5 I thought. Using that stuff for my PSU mod, which will also be modular.

Looks good, keep up the good work.
:) Thanks I should be doing an update by the end of November of the beginning of December.
Ordered some more stuff, should be here soon. Changed some ideas around and now I have to get a new heater core as well as finally get out to the hardware store and get the metal and plexi. Going to try and do that all on Friday and build it up over the weekend. :)
This is turning out pretty cool..i like the external power box--you can print out a logo on photo paper, glue it on that metal plate and cover with clear resin or epoxy--should be nice.
Thanks :)
Yeah I'm thinking of doing something like that. If you think that looks interesting you should see what I'm planning, the entire top of the case is going to be the reservoir. :D (Really, it'll look cool once it's done and properly lighted up)
Woot! First package came in today.
1 Lian-Li side panel
1 60mm to 80mm adapter (for a template)
1 80mm to 120mm adapter (same)

I should have a second package coming in Monday or Tuesday and I'll pick up some lexan and aluminum later tomorrow as well as a new heater core. :)
Still working on this, just been pretty slow. I'm expecting a few things soon so I'll update once my packages come in. :)

Oh, I when ahead and re uploaded the pics to a different host.
Haven't done much work other then move everything into a cardboard box. LOL


I like your taste in wallpaper :cool:

I assume the cardboard box is temporary- any recent thoughts as to what direction you're wanting to go with the case design?
Yeah it's only temp, at this point I know where I want to take it but I haven't had much time to do much of anything with it yet that and I've been busy pretty busy with work.
Here's how to change the color of those keys:

1. Paint the keys the color you want your letters.
2. Pick up those little sticky letters (they have them at wallmart) and put them on the keys.
3. Paint youre keys the color you dont want the letters, with the sticky letters stuck on
4. Peel off the sticky letters.
5. Clearcoat a couple times.
looking great crimand :D , lain is a great series btw, i was thinkin bout doin that as a mod back when I first joined but for some reason I didn't :(
I am really upset that I cant get the damn pics to load !


I really want to see what you are doing ... My first mod was my Lain case way back when everyone was doing basic shapes for windows. I have always had it in the back of my head to do a SEL V2 case, but I have other things I want to do more rightnow.
Damn, it looks like the image host I was using hasn't been working for a few days now, I'll have to find another place for the pics. :(
why can't i see any of the pictures? or even any of the external links?

the concept seems great, now i want to see the art! :(
The old image host when down so I'll be moving them to image shack soon.
I for one can't wait until you get them moved to imageshack :) Serial Experiments Lain is not one of my favorite series, but, from what I can tell, this case mod looks pretty hot! Keep up the good work.
Meine Videokarte ist RMAed zu BFG, also werde ich jetzt gezwungen, es zu warten, bevor ich den pics auf imageshack rüber verschieben kann, sogar fühlt das Internet auf einem GF2 wirklich langsam.

;) I think thats it, been awhile since I used German.

For everyone else:
My video card is being RMAed to BFG so I'm now forced to wait for it before I can move the pics over to imageshack, even the internet feels really slow on a GF2.
CrimandEvil said:
Meine Videokarte ist RMAed zu BFG, also werde ich jetzt gezwungen, es zu warten, bevor ich den pics auf imageshack rüber verschieben kann, sogar fühlt das Internet auf einem GF2 wirklich langsam.
Meinst du wirklich das eine Videokarte Internet langsam kann machen? :eek:

Glaubst du auch das Intels Werbung fur die P4 Prozessor wahr sind?
Elledan said:
Meinst du wirklich das eine Videokarte Internet langsam kann machen? :eek:

Glaubst du auch das Intels Werbung fur die P4 Prozessor wahr sind?
just making sure i got this right...

Do you really think that a videocard can make the internet slower?

The second part is asking about Intel's advertisements that the P4 would make the internet faster. i'm not quite sure exactly what it says tho (not a good thing, i'm taking german again next year in HS - german 4 now... you'd think i could translate something:()

i need to start reading german again...

back on topic - how did you kill your card?
rogue_jedi said:
just making sure i got this right...

Do you really think that a videocard can make the internet slower?

The second part is asking about Intel's advertisements that the P4 would make the internet faster. i'm not quite sure exactly what it says tho (not a good thing, i'm taking german again next year in HS - german 4 now... you'd think i could translate something:()
"Do you also believe that the advertisements for the P4 processor are true?"

German is only my fourth language or so, so I messed up a lot of things, especially the genders (never seem to get those right :p ).
Elledan said:
"Do you also believe that the advertisements for the P4 processor are true?"

German is only my fourth language or so, so I messed up a lot of things, especially the genders (never seem to get those right :p ).

Four languages in one head? How can anyone live at that speed?

//thinks we should get back on topic before we get in trouble

Elledan said:
Meinst du wirklich das eine Videokarte Internet langsam kann machen? :eek:

Glaubst du auch das Intels Werbung fur die P4 Prozessor wahr sind?
Page scrolling and other 2d things just feels really slow. I think I'll try a driver update and see if that fixes it.
German is only my fourth language or so, so I messed up a lot of things, especially the genders (never seem to get those right).
That would be Japanese, English, German right? Whats the other one?
back on topic - how did you kill your card?
Man I really wish I knew too, I got up and left it running fine (only thing on the display was the desktop) and then when I came back five minutes later there was screen corruption. :(
CrimandEvil said:
Page scrolling and other 2d things just feels really slow. I think I'll try a driver update and see if that fixes it.
It should, because even with a 4 MB PCI card installed in a P166 (no MMX), 24 MB EDO RAM system browsing the Internet was a rather pleasurable experience. Except for sites with Flash, that is :)

That would be Japanese, English, German right? Whats the other one?
Dutch :)

Man I really wish I knew too, I got up and left it running fine (only thing on the display was the desktop) and then when I came back five minutes later there was screen corruption. :(
It might have overheated. Was it being cooled actively? Did you verify that the fan was still spinning? Alternatively the PSU might have decided that this videocard's time was up.

Or it was just a bad card ^_-
Elledan said:
It should, because even with a 4 MB PCI card installed in a P166 (no MMX), 24 MB EDO RAM system browsing the Internet was a rather pleasurable experience. Except for sites with Flash, that is :)

Ecchh...I remember those days too well.

It might have overheated. Was it being cooled actively? Did you verify that the fan was still spinning? Alternatively the PSU might have decided that this videocard's time was up.

Or it was just a bad card ^_-

Am just gonna guess here that we had a heat-related problem, and that it had everything to do with design & not with anything Crimmie did to it.

Speaking of which, how IS this project going?

Crimmie, you need some help with the thing at all?

I've done a bit of this stuff in my time...esp. the water cooling bit. Most of my waterboxen are home builts - as is the main unit (from whence I type this).
kunsunoke said:
Am just gonna guess here that we had a heat-related problem, and that it had everything to do with design & not with anything Crimmie did to it.
Well I don't think it was heat related, it's all outside of a case with a large window fan right above it. Then again the cooler on it could have just gave up, I had been meaning to replace with something that was alot more quieter.
Speaking of which, how IS this project going?
Well things just keep coming up, a week or so I was busying modding a friend's PSU to make it modular and now it seems like I'm being sucked into another project for my Aunt. I do plan on finishing it though.
Crimmie, you need some help with the thing at all?

I've done a bit of this stuff in my time...esp. the water cooling bit. Most of my waterboxen are home builts - as is the main unit (from whence I type this).
Someone with a CNC machine would be nice. :D I'm having a hellova time trying to find someone that can CNC a waterblock top for me (among some other things).
Damn...I was excited when I saw this case pr0n. Oh well...soon is good. :D
Thread revival!

I heart Lain greatly, and got all worked up when I saw a Lain pics? We need pics!
Okay, I went back and re-uploaded the pics and I've got some stuff that is suppose to come in later this week.

A 3.5 PWM fan controller

A Skyhawk case from Newegg

Some of those aluminum fans and some IDE cables so I'll do an update after they get here.
Yay for case pr0n!

So what part are you planning to mod out with the Lainage?