Sennheiser HD 800 High-End Audiophile Headphones, $899

This isnt actually that hot of a deal because the HD800 has been hovering around $999-1050 for the better part of a year.

This was an INSANE deal back in 2012 only a year after launch when Amazon was selling it for $899 and it was still retailing for $1599.

In fact you can reliable buy these for about $450 used on used audio gear sites these days.
This would have been an insane deal prior to a year ago when they introduced the HD800S, which is now at or slightly higher than the original HD800 price point. The HD800S is comparable to the difference between HD600 and HD650.

However, HD800 is still HD800. It's just as good as it always was, and I think the fact that you can get a Sennheiser flagship for under $1000 new is still an amazing deal, even if it's the new normal. These are not like most consumer electronics, headphones in this class only sound better as they age and are just as useful even decades later.....the HD600 is essentially a 20+ year-old design, yet it still puts most headphones (and I'd even argue almost all consumer-level) to shame.