Send the WU I don't like this Windoz SMP

Actually, it's 47 mins / frame or less from a post in the folding forum at Standford ;)

Do the maths.

For the 4 day deadline its .............
4 days x 24 hour x 60 mins / 100 frames = 57.6 mins per frame.
Therefore at 55 mins per frame gives you a 4 hour time gap to upload the work-unit.
With Stanfords servers the way they are at the moment you need that gap.

For the 3 day deadline its ...............
3 x 24 x 60 / 100 = 43.2 mins per frame so look for ~40 mins per frame to give you some leaway to upload it.

Luck ........... :D
Thanks a lot guys for all the help. :)

The deadlines appear to be kind of tight. What type of SMP rig do we need for this client? I'm running a dual [email protected] and it's taking what seems to be forever to finish a supervillin WU with the regular client. Even with twice the processors, I'm not sure I can meet the deadline. I'm starting to envy those with 8-core boxen.
These are the frame times for p2651 on my X2 @ 2.3 Ghz ............

[06:33:24] Writing local files
[06:33:24] Completed 0 out of 1000000 steps (0 percent)
[06:55:40] Writing local files
[06:55:40] Completed 10000 out of 1000000 steps (1 percent)
[07:17:55] Writing local files
[07:17:55] Completed 20000 out of 1000000 steps (2 percent)

You should be able to fold a little faster if/as you have more L2 cache.
Its p2610 that the slow one but you should still be able to crunch it in time.
Dont try and install it as a service as that does not work to well.

The only reason I'm only running one copy of the SMP client is the fact that the GPU client gives me ~200 PpD more even though it uses 100 watts more power.

Luck ........... :D
It looks like I jinxed myself. On Saturday my daughter flipped the power strip switch to the router and killed a P2652 @ 89%. Restarted and got a new wu, thought everything was ok. Checked my rig this afternoon to find out that fah has been "sleeping" for the last 24 hrs since it borked 5 wu's in a row. Looks like about 59 hrs of folding time lost. Damnit anyways.
Do the maths.

For the 4 day deadline its .............
4 days x 24 hour x 60 mins / 100 frames = 57.6 mins per frame.
Therefore at 55 mins per frame gives you a 4 hour time gap to upload the work-unit.
With Stanfords servers the way they are at the moment you need that gap.

For the 3 day deadline its ...............
3 x 24 x 60 / 100 = 43.2 mins per frame so look for ~40 mins per frame to give you some leaway to upload it.

Luck ........... :D

Ah, this make more sense :D I was too lazy to do the math :p

I guess the quote I heard was for the 3 day deadline. Anyway, with a C2D, we don't need to worry about this unless we do lots of stuff with the computer and/or shutoff for lenghty periods.